So far this week…

So far this week I’ve…

  • Driven about 500 miles
  • Picked strawberries from a roadside U-Pick stand
  • Learned to crack a whip from a real old-fashioned bullocky
  • Gotten kissed by a dolphin and a seal
  • Went fishing in the pouring rain in a tiny boat
  • Ate oysters raw straight out of the river
  • Finished Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh and The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Still on my To Do list: a visit to the Pub With No Beer!


2 responses to “So far this week…”

  1. Are you actually going out to the Pub with no beer? It’s a long drive.

  2. We did… and it was! We got Rodd’s parents to drive though so we could sample some beers. Pictures are coming tonight. 🙂