We’re home! We made the trip back today in just over six hours. (There was a car accident that slowed the southbound traffic a little more than expected.) All up, I did nearly 800 miles of driving in the week! I’ve uploaded all our photos and videos, including our visit to Timbertown, our kisses from the dolphins at the Pet Porpoise Pool, and our lunch at the Pub With No Beer. (And ten points for anybody that guesses the background to this photo without clicking through to the caption. I’ve always wanted to stop there! UPDATE: Fiona correctly spotted that it was the big fake Uluru of the truck stop formerly known as Leyland Brothers World.) Many thanks to Ma and Pa Snook for putting us up for the week. And especially huge thanks to Miss Helen for housesitting and taking care of the cat. It’s nice to be home…
6 responses to “Home”
that is the fake ayers rock just outside of sydney
Dingdingding! Well done! 🙂
I know, I know – the roadhouse on the highway!
did you have pies there?
Hey no problem! I had a lovely time away from the family! 😉 And chillaxin with Dr Amy!
Your photos and videos were so cute “it was snuffly”!
I totally forgot, but we used to go on holidays up that way a lot! I remember the honey place, it was so magical when I was little!
I went to the ayers rock when it was leyland brother’s world, it was pretty effing amazing! And the pet porpoise pool look a lot more ethical than last time I was there(but then, I was an angsty teenager and everything was unethical to me), and I LOVE timbertown! My dream retirement career is to work there, sitting on a porch, spinning wool and giving historical lectures to the tourist folk!
I’m glad your holiday was so lovely, you totally deserved it after the before christmas losing job debacle. 😀
We did have the pies! They were very good. 🙂
Snookums made the same comment about the porpoise place, Helen. He remembered it being a bit sad when he went as a kid, but they’ve really done it up nicely now.
Is the background of the photo the Big Potato at Robertson in the Southern Highlands? The rusty bits remind me of that. We renamed it the giant turd, heh!