Petey and the Bird

I made another YouTube video of Petey, this time him playing with a toy bird on a string. Terrifically boring to most of you, I’ll admit, but it’s fun having a little one around again. (And NO, this is not a sublimated baby wish. I commented to the Snook this morning that while Petey is fun, entertaining him is also a lot of WORK and I’m grateful that we can lock him in the laundry at night and get some sleep.)


5 responses to “Petey and the Bird”

  1. Errr, I have known people who lock their babies in the laundry so they could sleep at night.

  2. New Zillund sounds like a scary place sometimes… 🙂

  3. Even though Dr Amy will always be my #1 cat, I love Petey! He seems sooo different to the good doctor! They’re totally going to love each other!

  4. Today we achieved nose-to-nose sniffing. Amy still hisses at him and avoids him though. As the vet said today, he’s too little for her to consider him a thread. She’s just ANNOYED by him. And hopefully within a week or two, she’ll get over it and they’ll be friends. 🙂

  5. he is soooo adorable! T and i have been awwwwwwwing over the video.