Australian Knitting Events Calendar

Prompted by a Ravelry discussion this morning, I’ve set up an Australian Knitting Events Calendar. You can view it at that link or subscribe in your preferred calendar application via ICAL or XML. I’ve added the major craft shows already, and I’ve started listing stitch and bitch groups. If you have particular events you’d like to see added, please email me. (Alternatively, if you’d like to be in charge of adding events for your region, let me know and I’ll give you admin rights.)


2 responses to “Australian Knitting Events Calendar”

  1. So glad you’re doing this – I set one up months ago, but it was an epic fail 😉

    I’ve also got a mini S’nB calendar here.

  2. No problem! I knew we talked about it, but I don’t think the timing was right. And somehow, today the timing felt good. Or maybe I was just bored and had some excess energy. 🙂

    You want me to add in those SnBs, or you want me to deputize you to add them in yourself?