Knit Graffiti

Oh good grief. “Knitted graffiti” is in the news again. I noticed a few months ago that somebody was putting it up on poles around Newtown. Look, I thought it was an amusing idea like FIVE YEARS AGO when I first heard of it. But “growing global movement”? Sorry, SMH. FAIL. I bet there have been maybe a dozen people in the entire world who have actually done this in any systematic or legitimate fashion. The rest are just imitating something they saw on the Internet in the hopes people will think they’re creative and kooky. (Sorta like the whole “zombie flash mob” thing, which I am similarly bored with. Do I sound annoyed enough? Come on, it’s Hump Day.) Anyway, I also think I may have actually contributed to this article. There was a journalist at the TC SnB a few weeks ago, and he asked offhand about knitted graffiti. I tried to impress upon him how NOT A MOVEMENT the whole thing was, but he was not to be swayed. So I gave him Miss Helen’s contact information, knowing that if anybody knew the identify of Newtown’s “tagger,” she probably would. So really, if I’m irritated by the story I only have myself to blame.

Hilariously, several different non-knitters sent me that link this morning. It’s like they think of me as the official spokesperson for the wacky world of non-traditional knitters.


8 responses to “Knit Graffiti”

  1. ::yawn:: It’s for wintertime, anyway. Little tree branches with striped leggings, photographed against snow in Toronto, are much more chic.

  2. Bex

    LOL – when i first learnt to knit 5 years ago I made car aerial cozies and attacked cars late at night on Oxford St and in Petersham. A bit tragic I admit.

    The guy from the newspaper at who came to TC totally didnt get knitting. He had a death wish, especially when he compared knitting to scrap-booking!

  3. yes I also find this whole thing irritating and not particularly “indie” or “revolutionary”. Also the article is poorly researched (I’m pretty sure Denise Litchfield isn’t the only person in Sydney who has done this before despite her claim to the contrary); and the so-called expert from UTS claims the main US guerilla knitting group is called “Knitta”, when in actuality a simple Google search reveals it’s called “Knitta Please”. I am also in a bad mood today 😉

  4. SlythErin

    Someone sent me the link to this article earlier. I just looked at it, thought “Knitting graffiti is ‘news’ again? Yawn.” and didn’t even bother to read it.

  5. Rachel

    Some one sent me a picture of one of the one’s in Newtown recently. My response: “Oh, are they still doing that?”

  6. I love that all of us real, actual Knitters are just totally dismissive and annoyed by this pseudo “trend”. Pfffft, I say! Pffffffft.

  7. 1. I think it devalues knitting in the eyes of most people.
    2. I hate subcultural theorists. They are mostly dickheads who have no idea what is going on.
    3. I too apologise but I cannot help trying to help the mass media even though they are my natural enemy, I am attracted by things that glitter.
    5. People always think it is me doing it. I draw tiny bows in pastel pink painty pens that only the most observant of people will ever see.

  8. aim

    It seems, uhh, environmentally unfriendly to me, too. Does she go back and get the old nasty yarn once it’s been rained on and gotten dirty? I hadn’t heard of this before, but then again, I try to make it a practice to tune out the activities of pretentious a-holes like this chick. I met enough of them in art school.