Best of Booty 2008

I saw on Jenny‘s Facebook that the new Best of Booty 2008 is out. W00t! I love these mash-ups.

Me: Awesome! Best of Booty is out! (whips out iPhone)
Snook: You’re putting it on your To Do list? “Today: Procure booty.”
Me: “Procure booty” sounds like it should be on a pirate’s To Do list.
Snook: Well, it’s always on my daily list…

3 thoughts on “Best of Booty 2008”

  1. (long time lurker, first time commenter – followed from Ask.MeFi years ago, I’m carabiner)

    Thank you for reminding me about Bootie!!! I would have forgotten to download the CD had you not mentioned it. 😀

  2. if you have not yet heard ‘it’s fun to smoke dust’ then hurry up with your download. it is simply the best mash up ever.

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