Chippendale Road Gardening

Gardening in ChippendaleChippendale Road Gardening
On Sunday, after I finished my last knitting class I headed out to help with the neighbourhood road garden working bee. Michael was successful at getting a $1000 grant from the council for more plants and supplies, so a couple weeks ago he put out a call for volunteers. There were six already helping when I got there. We planted some more trees, established a fourth community compost bin, and spread out lucerne mulch around the plantings on Myrtle Street. Snookums was too sick to help – he caught my cold – but he cooked a big pot of kangaroo chili and cornbread to feed the troops. (And there was much rejoicing.) It was a fun day. I got to meet several more cool folks from the neighbourhood, including James (who used to live in Chippo but now just works here). As I wasn’t quite well enough to do the heavy labor, I got the fun task of documenting what was going on.

Cross-posted to Life in Chippendale.

2 thoughts on “Chippendale Road Gardening”

  1. That’s funny, when I was in Oz, none of my friends could grasp the concept of cornbread.
    “It’s sweet.”
    “So it’s cake?”
    “No it’s bread”
    “But it’s sweet?”
    “Yes, and a different texture.”
    “Like cake?”

  2. I don’t think any of them had had it before, but they certainly liked it! (I think it helped that Rodd left most of the sugar out. This particular batch is a bit bland on its own, but it worked well with the chili.)

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