New Things

Caramel BobI spent Saturday morning at my hairdresser getting new hair. I was tired of the red, and I was sick of the length. I needed something different. My usual stylist Desireé was booked out, so I had an awesome new Kiwi guy named Carl. Carl spent FOUR HOURS taking the red out. He did a full head of foils, and then another colour in-between, and then a third colour once the foils came out. Then he cut about half of it off, changing Big Red into the Caramel Bob. I love it! I feel grown-up yet funky.

Chicken FeetToday I headed to Marigold for yum cha with Steph and Eva and a bunch of friends. It was fantastic! Noisy and chaotic and packed, but fantastic. I ate everything. I even felt brave enough to try my very first “phoenix talon” (i.e. chicken foot). I KNOW! I just repeated to myself several times that it was just a funny-looking chicken wing. The sauce was delicious, and it was mostly gelatinous yumminess (with a fair few bones to spit out). I also had my first ever piece of tripe, which was probably more confronting (in terms of texture). I celebrated my bravery with some yummy desserts such as mango pancake and egg tarts. It was a magnificent feast!

Tonight, the Snook and I headed off to Alexandria to mooch around the homewares stores and get ideas for our kitchen renovation. On the way home, we stopped off at Bunnings to cross a long-standing item off my House To-Do List: new toilet seats! We have two toilets, and I actually like the style quite a lot. But the seats! They’re flimsy old plastic with horrible chips and stains on them. We picked up some beautiful new ones and Snookums had them installed within minutes. The new ones are stylish, sturdy, and pristine white. It seems like such a small thing, but having these in my bathroom really does make me feel happier! Here’s the Before and After…

Toilet - Before Toilet - After


10 responses to “New Things”

  1. I LOVE your hair!!

    It’s amazing what a difference a good toilet seat can make isn’t it!!

  2. Rachel

    You ate chicken’s feet. Oh, I’m very impressed. I can’t even look at them, the give me the heebies. Anything else, I’m fine but chicken’s feet, no.

    Our toilet seat also needs replacing. Nasty blue plastic seat of unknown age. I want one of those toilet seats with the plastic aquarium embedded into it.

  3. I can never understand why people put up with horrible stained seats when it’s so simple to buy and install new ones. I guess the old ones don’t worry them, or as my brother would say, they don’t share my toilet fetish! Your new seat looks great.

    We have some Asian friends who are always stunned and amazed when Grandpa Flea tucks into chook’s feet and pigs trotters. He is a country boy of course. When I was first married, way back in the stone age, the frozen chook’s had the giblets and neck in a plastic bag inside the cavity, and the feet attached. We used to make chicken and vegetable soup out them Very tasty.

    PS every time I start to put my name in your little box, you make me smile!

  4. Yeah, Bunnings had a whole bunch of “novelty” toilet seats with sharks and seashells and redback spiders embedded in them. They were all $100+ apiece though, so we just went with traditional!

  5. Mom

    Sweetie, you look sooo grown up! Love your hair. I’m going to get my hair cut Wednesday. Maybe I should take a pic of you with me????

  6. the Caramel Bob is glorious. i want your hairdresser, now. and nice shots of the toilet, thanks for that. chickens feet are surprisingly good really. yay for all your new things!

  7. Your hair looks FABULOUS and as for the toilet seat.. it’s good enough for royalty.

  8. Sara

    Love the hair cut! If I were to ever go short that is the style I would want. Beautiful color, too.

  9. Hair win!

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This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.