Mother’s Day Classic

Mother’s Day Classic Meet-Up
Here’s the course map. What do you guys think of meeting up at 7:30 at the fountain in Hyde Park? It’s not too far from the start, and that would give us time to snap a couple photos, stretch, and head over to the starting line. (I have no idea how many folks are on the GGR team. I wish the MDC website would display it somewhere!)


3 responses to “Mother’s Day Classic”

  1. missfee

    me I am one!!!

  2. I am one!!
    Wonder if you could email them and ask for a list?
    I *should be able to meet up with you at the fountain. Will have to meet up with my mother somewhere too.. (convinced her to run with me this year! Her first running race! Yay!)

  3. I tweeted a message to them a few days ago, but they didn’t respond. I think they’re too busy, frankly. 🙁

    Bring your Mom along to the meet-up! The Snook and I will also head to the fountain once I’m finished, and I’ll hang around for a bit. So if you can’t make it before the race, stop by afterwards and say hello. 🙂