RunningBlog: Week 19

The first race of the year is under my belt! Sunday was the Mother’s Day Classic 8K, and you’ve probably already read my race report. This is my taper period for the Half-Marathon, so I’m taking things easy. I’ve done two other runs: an easy 5K through the neighbourhood, and a treadmill 5K at race pace. Feeling good. Only three days to go…

May 8: 5.67km
May 9: 8.09km
May 12: 5.62km
Total this week: 19.38km (12.1mi)
Total in 2010: 404.72km (253mi)

To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 365km. Plenty of cushion.

The big decision, of course, is what’s next. Oh, there’s the Bay Run in August, of course, and the City 2 Surf a week after. But what about the spring? Could I do… the big one? I’d been thinking about Melbourne, which will be 21 weeks after the Half. But then today the website for Sydney launched, and they’ve changed the course in a good way. So I’m torn. But Sydney is only 18 weeks away, and I’m not sure I’ll be ready to start training right away. Melbourne is safer… right?


3 responses to “RunningBlog: Week 19”

  1. 🙂 whichever you choose, you’re going to be fine. 3 weeks isn’t a huge difference in preparation time, really. and you’re already in half marathon shape, so continuing your training towards the marathon is a natural progression for your body at this stage. so i say, do the event you want to do, whichever that is.

  2. Agree with Kristen. ’nuff said.

  3. I’m leaning towards putting it off til next year, to tell you the truth. My right foot still isn’t right, and increasing my distance isn’t going to help. I think I’d be better off if I spend the rest of the year focussing on getting faster and fitter.