A quiet one. In the morning I did a quick soak of some kidney beans and then got my Best Baked Beans going in the slow cooker. I knitted two swatches for one of my Easter Show projects but they’re both looking a bit big. Hm. Fiona came over with a Giant Bag O’ Tango to help me pick colours for Paper Dolls (which I am toying with the idea of cardigan-izing). The Snook and I also loaded up Fee’s car with compost and peat and vermiculite for her garden (since I have given up on the idea of ever producing veggies in our shady space). Plans for NYE dinner tonight are firming up nicely, so we made a shopping list and headed over to the Broadway to stock up. Back at home, dinner was hot dogs and baked beans and coleslaw. (So good!) Afterwards, we started our second batch of ice cream for the guests: Alton Brown’s Burned Peach Ice Cream!
4 responses to “Day 7 of Christmas Vacation”
How’s the icecream maker going? We’ve been contemplating buying one, and I’ve been looking at the one you bought as an entry-level model to see if we’d use it.
Yum and yum! We’re just having a family bbq tonight.. sans awesome home made ice cream. *jealous*
ooooh I’m thinking of doing Paper Dolls this year too. Isn’t Her blog amazing. She is so inspiring, both for her knitting and determined recovery. Awesome. I want to knit it before I go to The UK and Iceland in March… What Yarn are you using?
I bought 10 balls of Rowan Felted Tweed last year in a lovely spring green. The two accent colours I got from Fiona are a pale brown and a chocolate in Grignasco Tango (which is the same yarn).