RunningBlog: Week 22

Taper Madness has given way to Taper Paranoia. This week I wrestled with the constant fear of getting sick or injured in the run-up to the race. The weather’s been really crappy too, which didn’t help. Saturday I went for my scheduled 6-miler with the Snook, taking it easy at 2:1 intervals. Sunday and Monday I rested, then Tuesday I went for a run by myself at lunch (between downpours). It was a “zen” run: no headphones, no intervals, no distractions. I concentrated on visualising my marathon race plan and thinking about all the positive “Magic Words” I’ll use to get me through the race. Wednesday I went to Spudds, intending to “take it easy.” Well, I still managed 103m and 101m on the rower! It’s all mental, I tell you. Thursday was rest, and then today I went for another easy lunchtime run with some of the guys from work.

May 28: 10.8km
May 31: 5.86km
June 3: 5.62km
Total this week: 22.28km (13.9mi)
Total in 2011: 562.53km (351.6mi)

I am so far ahead of pace for my goal to run 1100km in 2011 that I think I’m going to have to revise it. That’s right – AS OF TODAY, my new goal for 2011 is to run 1200km. BOOYAH.

Meanwhile, nine days til the marathon. Preparations continue. Last night I had a long massage. Today I made checklists of everything I’ll need to remember in the days before the race. This weekend I’m going to hack some sort of an additional pocket onto my water belt. I can’t believe it’s really happening…


4 responses to “RunningBlog: Week 22”

  1. Hey you! Thanks for dropping by blog today :). I knew you were training for a Marathon did not know it was Mcleay River. You will love it :). That course still holds my record…lol. I will tell you now, It’s flatish with one Hill in the last 5 Km I think but the hill is not very bad. Twas two years ago, but you’ll love how uncommercialized and uncrowded the run is going to be, it’s like going for a training run in the country. I am not sure if I’d see you in the course as you might start 30 minutes ahead of us, you might catch me in the turn around for Half, but I will say Hi at the start and finish :). You did well on your training now just relax and enjoy the run on Sunday! See you on the weekend!

  2. I’m actually starting an hour *before* the official marathon start time because I expect to take more than 5 hours to finish. I still think you’ll catch me though! 🙂

  3. Emma

    You’ve done the work, now enjoy the run.

    I have words of advice for any marathoner on their debut: It’s a long way. It will hurt. That being said, you can do it. And when you come up to the finish line, take a second to enjoy it. There’s a marathon finish line in sight, and you did it!

    Good luck. I’ll be waiting for updates.

  4. I am so excited for you – I can not wait to hear how how it goes. Awesome .. Honest, I’m going to CRY when you finish!