Needless to say, I’m watching this Google court case pretty closely.
Author: Kris
Spotlight has Halloween stuff!
Holy cow! Spotlight has Halloween stuff! Obviously my movement to promote the holiday in Australia is gaining momentum.
Moths = cat toys
The PM might not like the moth invasion, but Dr. Amy Jones sure does. One blundered into the house yesterday and she spent fifteen minutes batting it around before I put it out of its misery. Moth = best cat toy ever.
Right or left-brained?
Are you right-brained or left-brained? According to the spinny dancer, I am left-brained. EXCESSIVELY LEFT-BRAINED. I been focusing on that thing for five minutes and for the life of me, I can’t even imagine how you’d begin to see her turning the other way. (I wonder if this has some correlation with my geek score below…?) (Link courtesy of Danielle.)
Knitty Halloween Surprise
The Knitty Halloween Surprise is up. I’m going to have nightmares.
Baby Surprise Jacket
I’ve been slacking off on the first week of the Southern Summer of Socks, mostly because of all the babies y’all keep having! As previously mentioned, my cousin Tony and his wife Molly just welcomed their daughter, Bailey, into the world. As this is the first GIRL I’ve had the opportunity to knit for, I jumped at the chance to pull out my pink yarn. I was gifted some glorious hot pink Manos del Uruguay Cotton Stria by my Secret Pal last June, and I decided it was just begging to become a Baby Surprise Jacket. I had just enough to squeak it out. I also found the most perfect big pink button in my button box:
It’s all ready to send off, along with some pink Tim Tams!
“Sometimes I think of myself as a glorified mechanic…”
Oh yes, you HAVE to watch this video. I know, I know; it looks like your basic wannabe-edgy Web 2.0 viral marketing crap, and it is. But this is viral marketing crap starring my very own SNOOKUMS! -
Dorky Nerd Queen.
I am a Dorky Nerd Queen.
I think it’s the “Dumb/Dork/Awkwardness” category that stings the most. Ouch! (Link courtesy of the very non-nerd Mary-Helen.)
Yarn with EYEBALLS
Yarn… with EYEBALLS. That is no doubt the coolest, creepiest knitting yarn I’ve ever seen. I’m getting in the Halloween mood! (Link courtesy of Jen.)
Knitted Skull Tights
Knitted Skull Tights. Oh man, imagine if I entered those in the Easter Show next year! HA!