Author: Kris

  • Scrubs Marathon

    Dubious Holiday Achievement: The Snook and I cleaned off twenty-two episodes of Scrubs from the TiFaux. And by “cleaned off,” I mean “watched for ELEVEN HOURS CONTINUOUSLY.” We love Scrubs.

  • Knitter’s Guild Site

    I’ve been working on the redesign of the Knitter’s Guild website all day. (Old version; New Hottness) It’s not done yet but you can take a peek if you want. All design credit goes to Hank, who kindly volunteered his time and talent and somehow refrained from balking at my stipulation that the text had to be HUGE. (Old ladies are blind, yo.) In terms of the code, this is my first hard-core XHTML + CSS site ever… which means that the Snook pretty much had to hold my hand the whole way through. He’s the best. I dunno; I just have a blank with this stuff. I’ve resisted learning it because I don’t like feeling dumb, and I just knew it was going to leave me frustrated and tearful. It did. I got used to being the whizzy Internet chick – the web-goddess, if you will – and it’s hard to face having to start over at the bottom. He knows how to deal with me though. Like I said, he’s the best. (Oh, and yeah, I still used tables to position the columns. Suck it, Zeldman!)

  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year!
    The Snook and I have been enjoying a pretty low-key holiday weekend. After the debauchery of the first Martini Club session Friday night, we decided to forgo the traditional New Year’s Eve activities in favor of watching TV at home. On Sunday we mainly hid inside the house from the disgusting heat (over 100 degrees F!) while preparing dinner for our friends Leanne and Brendan. Since Brendan’s an apprentice chef (at one of our favorite restaurants), we made a last-minute attempt to impress him by brining and smoking a chicken. We’d never done it before. For the brine we used this recipe, and the only glitch was that we’d decided to do it so late that we only brined it for four hours, not eight. We then smoked it on our barbecue using some apple wood chips for about two hours. It turned out delicious! So that was a success. We also had fresh prawns from the Sydney Fish Markets, grilled squid salad, and green beans from Ma Snook’s garden. The Snook’s homemade summer pudding was the glorious finalé. Man, it really is time to get back on the diet…

  • I Never

    Don’t forget to go play a round of “I Never” at Tara D’s Friday Pseudo-Drinking Game. Today’s items are fun…

  • The Basement

    Often when the Snook and I are in a shop, one of us will spot an item and whisper: “That’s for the Basement.” This refers to a shared dream that we have of one day owning a house with a large furnished basement, which we will decorate with all the nerdiest, coolest retro kitsch we can find. Our Basement is definitely going to have a Tiki Bar. It will have soft-focus 70’s paintings (or possibly needlepoints) of doe-eyed tropical naked women on the walls. It will have shag carpeting. Cocktails will be served in multicolored aluminum drinking cups. And in the corner will sit one of these beauties

  • MeFi Lat/Long

    Ooh, you can now input your latitute and longitude on your MetaFilter user page! There are only a couple of us listed in Sydney so far.

  • Time to make the donuts

    To this day, I’m unable to go into a Dunkin’ Donuts without thinking: “Time to make the donuts!” Rest in peace, Fred the Baker.

  • Christmas at Western Plains Zoo

    Me and the albino wallabyAnd what did you do for Christmas this year? Me, I patted an albino wallaby! I also drove over six hundred miles, got slobbered on by a giraffe, played a round of Putt-Putt of Death at the crappiest “tourist attraction” in history, and ate my weight in Christmas pudding. Oh, and no sightings of the murderer, though there was a (debatable) avian homicide.

  • Back on Blogger

    I cancelled my Blogger account way back in 2001, and I’ve resisted the impulse to register again ever since… but as of today I’m back. No, I’m not moving away from my home-grown system; it’s just that I got an invitation to join a new Sydney grogblog* called The Martini Club. So those of you with Blogger sites may notice that my comments are signed differently. Just in case you wonder!

    * I just made that up. You read it here first, folks!

  • Happy Christmas!

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    Stopped for lunch in Mudgee, the traditional Christmas crackers included. Not a cloud in the sky and merriment abounds. We hope you and yours have a great one too!