Today I learned about Cliff Young, a 61-year-old teetotaler potato farmer from rural Victoria, who won the 1983 Sydney to Melbourne ultramarathon. He may have even inspired Forrest Gump. How have I never heard of this guy? He’s amazing! I love his shuffle. The article there teases that he may have cheated, but really it’s just that he accidentally got up a couple hours early on the second day, breaking a gentleman’s agreement to sleep until dawn. That gave him a 30km lead, but given that he actually finished 50km ahead of second place, it seems obvious he would have won regardless. I wish I’d known about him before I ran my marathon; I would’ve added him to my little notecard of inspiration that I carried with me.
Category: Geek Girl Runner
Running related posts and content, including ten episodes of my podcast
Exercise-friendly headphones
The Quest For The Ultimate Workout Headphones – Nice. If I were still running, I’d get these.
RunningBlog: A Decision
I’m not going to run the Gold Coast marathon this year. I’m not going to run any marathon this year. I know this sounds stupid, but it feels incredibly FREEING to say that. I know I said I was going to. But as soon as I said it, I felt weighed down by it. The next seven months stretched ahead like the worst homework assignment ever. It wasn’t like that last year. I don’t know what changed. But lately running is feeling less fun and more like a chore. It feels like something I only do because you guys expect it, and because I’ve made my running so public. It doesn’t help that I keep adding a new injury every six months. I hurt my right knee ten days ago, and it’s still not recovered. Every day that I don’t run, I feel a terrible guilt knowing that I’m “falling behind” on my goals. Isn’t that silly? I went out for a run this morning knowing that I shouldn’t, just because I felt ashamed at not getting in any miles this week. (I got plenty of exercise, just not running.) That’s just stupid, right? Who am I doing this for, anyway?! So when I got back to the house this morning, wincing as my knee climbed each step, I said to the Snook, “I don’t think I want to run the marathon.” And he said, “Okay.” And I immediately felt SO MUCH BETTER. I feel like that’s a big sign that I’m making the right choice. Right now to run would be to force the issue, and I don’t feel like forcing it. I want to have some fun. I want to face some new challenges. I will continue to run, but I’m not going to set any expectations on it. That feels good to me.
RunningBlog: Week 1
And back to the beginning I go for the third year in a row! The first week of 2012 was an interesting one. I did my first “long” run of marathon training – 7 miles. It was on a very hot day, so I took it nice and slow. I missed my mid-week run in favour of trying to give blood once again, and I’m happy to report that this time it was successful! On Friday I went out for an easy 5K, but it was just awful. My legs and feet hurt and I just didn’t want to be out there. In retrospect, I realise what the problem was. I accidentally wore my old running shoes! Unfortunately that mistake resulted in me developing a slight case of runner’s knee. I exacerbated it on Saturday with a long bike ride and a strength workout. I’ve been icing and resting it ever since.
Jan 2: 11.51km
Jan 6: 5.80km
Jan 7: 14.44km (cycling)
Jan 7: strength workout
Total cycling this week: 14.44km (9mi)
Total cycling in 2012: 14.44km (9mi)
Total running this week: 17.31km (10.8mi)
Total running in 2012: 17.31km (10.8mi)I’m not going to start comparing myself to the necessary goal pace just yet or it’ll make resting this knee more difficult. I’ll get there once the long runs start extending, I know it.
RunningBlog: Week 52
Another year has come and gone! As you’ll recall, last year I pulled out all the stops to hit my goal of 1000km. This year I was aiming for 1100km, and for the first half of the year I was on track to surpass that by far. Unfortunately the second half of the year was a different story. I suffered a couple injuries (rolling my left ankle repeatedly) and then I got sidelined by a virus and cough for several weeks. It sucks that I didn’t quite get to 1100, but I’m pretty proud regardless. The final numbers:
Dec. 26: 8.86km
Dec. 28: 6.86km
Dec. 30: 8.02km (cycling)
Dec. 31: 5.16km
Total this week: 20.88km (13.05mi)
Total in 2011: 1043.77km (652mi) – 4% increase from 2010Goals for 2012: I’m now training in earnest for the July 1 Gold Coast Marathon. I’d love to be able to finish it in 5:30. I’d also like to run the Blackmore’s Half-Marathon next September and finish it in under 2:30. I’d like to start my podcast up again. (Anybody want to contribute or co-host?) And I’d like to comment more on DailyMile and Fitocracy to thank everyone who’s given me such encouragement this year.
RunningBlog: Week 51
It was kind of a crazy week. I had only three full work days to try to finish everything up at the office, and Spudds was cancelled for the holidays. I still managed three runs though so I’m satisfied with that. The one upside to Sydney’s cold and grey summer has been how pleasant it is to run!
Dec. 18: 5.02km
Dec. 21: 5.01km
Dec. 23: 2.18km (walking)
Dec. 24: 5.01km
Total this week: 15.04km (9.4mi)
Total in 2011: 1022.89km (639mi)Only one week to go!
RunningBlog: Week 50
Holding steady. Work has been really busy in these last weeks before Christmas, so I haven’t been able to squeeze in any training sessions at Spudds. I did still manage my three runs though!
Dec. 11: 7.65km
Dec. 14: 5.17km
Dec. 15: 2.76km (walking)
Dec. 16: 5.86km
Total this week: 18.68km (11.6mi)
Total in 2011: 1007.85km (630mi)And I’ve crossed the 1000km mark! There isn’t really any chance I’m going to rack up 93km in the next two weeks, so I’m not quite going to reach my goal of 1100km in 2011. But I’m already past last year’s total, so I count that as a win. I’m also very happy to see that my fitness is recovering nicely from being sick. I still have a post-viral cough, but my doctor confirmed my lungs are clear and I’m good to run. My speed has been coming back a little more with every workout. Onwards and upwards…
RunningBlog: Week 49
I am back on the horse! My cough is nearly gone and I managed three runs this week along with a workout at Spudds. I’m trying to hold back and build up slowly, but it feels so great to be able to exercise again.
Dec. 4: 4.79km
Dec. 6: 5.16km
Dec. 9: 5.20km
Total this week: 15.15km (9.5mi)
Total in 2011: 989.17km (618.2mi)There’s still no chance that I’ll meet my goal of running 1100km in 2011, but I’m assured of breaking 1000km. Last year I managed 1002km, so I’ll definitely surpass that.