Wow, a bright yellow shark! That’s not somethin’ you see every day.
Author: Kris
I am a slave to marketing.
I am a slave to marketing. After two days of being home sick, I got it into my head that the only thing that would cheer me up was a beautiful, soft new Bonds hoodie. It’s those damn commercials! After a quick trip to Kmart, I’m sitting here in fluffy pink comfort. Ahhhh… (And if anybody else is wondering, that awesome “Little Red Riding Hood” song is by Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs.)
I have the flu.
I have the flu. This really couldn’t come at a worse time.
Knit your own fry-up!
Knit your own fry-up! Oh Lordy. I need to make those now.
Real lightsabers?
“Is it theoretically possible for science to someday create a real lightsaber?” Thank goodness for Ask Yahoo, tackling today’s pressing issues.
Time zone wackiness
Note to my family: Sydney has just gone off Daylight Savings time and most of the northern hemisphere starts it next week, which means that the time difference has gone all wacky. Please refer to that page (or to CouchCam on the right) before you call to ascertain whether or not we’re asleep…
The Trixie Update
I’ve become obsessed with baby websites. No, Mom, it’s not that. I think I’m identifying because of the cat. Anyway, The Trixie Update is one of the best I’ve seen. Geeky parents are the most fun.
The price of guilt.
Deluxe cat tree and scratching post: $120
“Crazee Ball” self-propelling battery-powered cat toy: $20
Special padded duffel-bag type cat carrier: $70
Two taxi rides for two humans and a cat: $19
Vaccination and worming: $69The guilt caused by Dr. Amy Jones’s first trip to the vet… priceless.
Prisoner of Azkaban trailer
Holy crap! The new Prisoner of Azkaban trailer is online and it looks awesome. (Spoiler alert!) I love all the bits that weren’t in the book, like the weird little shrunken Jamaican head on the Knight Bus and when Hermione grabbed Ron’s hand. And I LOVE the scene where she punches out Draco. Kickass! I sussed out the URL for the biggest Quicktime version if you want to go straight to that one. EXPECTO PATRONUM! (Link courtesy of Kevin.)