Category: Geek Girl Runner

Running related posts and content, including ten episodes of my podcast

  • Geek Girl Runner Episode 003

    The third episode of the Geek Girl Runner podcast is now available! Right off the bat, I just have to apologise for the voice quality in this one. I caught a raging cold on Monday night, and I just didn’t want to wait any longer to record so I sound quite stuffed up. I was also radioactive (yes, seriously) and possibly feverish so I probably ramble a little more than usual. At any rate, thanks to everyone who listened to the first two episodes and gave feedback. This episode features: my (non-)training update; emails, comments, and shoutouts; and a discussion about running injuries.

    Show links:
    Wikipedia: bone scan
    Mother’s Day Classic – join the Geek Girl Runner team!
    Lindfield Rotary FunRun
    AAPSM treatment for plantar fasciitis

    Thanks as usual to Nick Arthur for the use of his song “Little Donut Party”. Please give me some feedback and let me know what you think!

  • Mother’s Day Classic

    Registration is now open for the 2010 Mother’s Day Classic. These races take place all over Australia and raise money for breast cancer research. I previously ran it in Sydney’s Domain in 2006, 2008, and 2009. I’ll be running it again this year, and I’ve created a Geek Girl Runner team that you’re all welcome to join. (Yes, boys as well as girls!) Hope to see you all there!

  • RunningBlog: Week 6

    I’ve backed off a little bit this week. When I was doing my run on Sunday, I noticed I was having some problems with my right foot. It just felt a little “dead,” you know? Like it was heavier than normal and not as springy. Tired. Like how your foot feels after you’ve been walking around DisneyWorld all day. On Monday I had a wicked hard workout at Spudds. I took Tuesday off as I had to fit in an appointment with my allergy specialist. On Wednesday I went for my usual run, but the problems with my right foot were still there. Now I could feel a distinct dull ache on the inside of the ball of my foot, near the arch. I ended up walking the last 1.5km of the run. I did my Spudds workout at lunchtime and it felt fine (except when running uphill). Wednesday night I iced it, and I took today off to rest. I don’t think it’s Plantar fasciitis since I don’t have any heel pain. It could be just a strained muscle in my foot. I’m going to ice it again tonight, and I’ll do an easy run tomorrow morning to test it. I’m booked in to see a sports physician Friday night just to make sure it’s okay. At any rate, slightly lower totals this week…

    Feb 5: 5.62km
    Feb 7: 6.65km
    Feb 10: 6.00km
    Total this week: 18.27km (11.4mi)
    Total in 2010: 134.7km (81.2mi)

    This is the first week where I didn’t run the 19.2km I need to average to meet my 1000km challenge. This is where having that cushion comes in handy. I’m still 19km ahead of schedule!

  • GGR Episode 3 will be delayed!

    Geek Girl Runner Episode 3 will be delayed!
    Sorry to have gotten your hopes up. I wanted to do one this week, but I’ve been kinda swamped. I’m busy at work; the Knitters Guild (of which I am both a group convenor and the webmaster) is embroiled in scandal; and I have to go see my allergy specialist (which throws off my whole weekly workout schedule). It’s just one of those weeks. See, this is why I didn’t promise an episode a week from the beginning!

    On a more positive note, I did get to Spudds tonight for a workout. (I missed both workouts last week on account of busy-ness.) This wasn’t our normal work session; this was an actual public class that I paid for myself. There were 8 other people there, mostly guys but a couple ladies as well. I had the bright idea to wear my heart rate monitor for it, for the first time ever. We did a brisk warmup with light weights, then ran around the block. (I was already pushing 140bpm at the end of the run.) The first circuit involved the climber, the spin bike, two different rowing machines, two different stations involving a high step, a stairmaster, and free weights. We had one minute at each one, then 30 seconds recovery to move to the next. I pushed as hard as I could. I saw that I was peaking up near 160 at times. When I got to the final rowing station, I took time to clear my head and concentrate. The rower is my nemesis, and my perpetual goal is to get 100 meters in 20 seconds. I know I can do it if I have good form, but if I’m tired or distracted I flail uselessly. I strapped in, pictured what I needed to do, and got ‘er done. When the readout showed “100m” at the end, I let out a mighty roar. (I really did.) Unfortunately that marked the high point of the workout for me. I was pretty spent after that. We did another lap around the block and then came back for a second circuit. This one involved running on the treadmill, skipping rope, boxing in the ring, squats, free weights, and two stations in the “hot room.” (It’s a tiny room with electric heaters inside like a sauna, and you actually have to use a stationary bike and elliptical in there!) I was fading. The heart rate was still high, but I could tell I had used up my reserves. I was getting a little light-headed. I made it through my turn in the ring and then headed to the front door. I needed fresh air. I ended up spending the last 10 minutes of the class sitting on the stoop and trying not to puke. (It was close there for a minute.) Eventually my brain came back into my head and I could move again. As I collected my backpack to head home, I thought to check my heart rate monitor. At some point during the workout, I hit a peak of 178bpm. That’s nuts. No wonder I felt pukey!

    Anyway, that’s where I’m at. Send me an update or leave a comment and let me know how you’re going with your training!

  • RunningBlog: Week 5

    A hot and muggy week. I missed going to Spudds three times this week, which really sucked. (Monday I was sick; Wednesday I had meetings all day.) I think the week off from weight training helped me though. My run this morning felt great, and I was able to keep a consistent pace and heart rate without too much effort. The weekly totals…

    Jan 29: 5.17km
    Jan 31: 7.8km
    Feb 2: 5.47km
    Feb 4: 5.53km
    Total this week: 23.97km (15mi) – pretty much same as last week!
    Total in 2010: 116.4km (72.75mi)

    I’m 20km ahead of schedule for my 1000km Challenge…

  • Pigeon Pose

    “Why do I get emotional during one particular yoga pose?” That’s fascinating. I haven’t experienced that in particular – I don’t do much yoga – but I’ve had something similar running. On a handful of occasions at the end of a race or a particulary draining workout, I’ve just found myself on the verge of tears. Being wrung out makes me cry, I guess.

  • More on forefoot running

    CoachPRS has recorded an excellent video about forefoot versus heel striking, especially with regards to overpronators. (*cough* SNOOK! *cough*) He shows exactly how the movements and strikes differ, and how the forefoot striking can benefit you.

  • Geek Girl Runner Episode 002

    The second episode of the Geek Girl Runner podcast is now available! Thanks to everyone who listened to the first episode and gave feedback. This episode features: housekeeping, my training update; emails, comments, and shoutouts; and a discussion of forefoot running and my Newtons.

    Show links:
    Opera in the Domain
    Sydney Fruit Bats
    David Ianni – runner in Germany
    Newton Running Blog
    Running Podcasts
    “Biomechanics of Foot Strikes…” study by Prof. Lieberman
    BBC story on forefoot running
    NPR study on forefoot running

    Thanks as usual to Nick Arthur for the use of his song “Little Donut Party”. Please give me some feedback and let me know what you think!

  • RunningBlog: Week 4

    It was a weird week. It’s been hot and humid, and I’m still having trouble keeping my heart rate down. On Sunday, my HR was all over the place and I actually found myself getting irrationally angry about it. In retrospect it was actually kind of funny. (Gritting my teeth in anger doesn’t do much to calm down the ol’ HR!) I’m having a bit of shoe trouble though. I looked down at my Newtons the other day and realised that the outer lugs on each foot have worn completely down on the front! I got them at the end of August, and my total mileage in that time is just over 200 miles (325km). Is that normal? On one hand it’s clear proof that I’m landing in the right spot (as are the calluses on the balls of my feet). But on the other hand, these are pretty expensive shoes, and I can’t afford multiple pairs per year. I tweeted about it to @sirisaac but they didn’t respond. I’m guessing it’s partly because I actually have racers, as opposed to trainers. (The racers had a big discount when I bought.) Can anybody comment on the longetivity of their Newtons?

    Anyway, the weekly totals…

    Jan 22: 5.56km
    Jan 24: 7.13km
    Jan 26: 5.61km
    Jan 28: 5.44km
    Total this week: 23.74km (14.8mi) – same as last week!
    Total in 2010: 92.4km (57.75mi)

    I’ve got quite a cushion built-up in my quest to run 1000kms in 2010. I haven’t missed a run yet in January!

  • Running Barefoot or in Minimal Footwear

    Running Barefood or in Minimal Footwear. “This website has been developed to provide an evidence-based resource for those interested in barefoot or minimal footwear running.” This is an extremely good introduction to running with a forefoot strike, and it’s got a lot of cool little videos showing exactly what your feet and legs are doing when you land on your heel, midfoot, and forefoot.