Category: Geek Girl Runner

Running related posts and content, including ten episodes of my podcast

  • RunningBlog

    Huh. I think those (enforced) few days off this week might have done me some good! I went out for my long run today and I felt pretty great. I set the Nike+ for 90 minutes and headed up Glebe Point Road towards Blackwattle Bay. I went all around Blackwattle and Rozelle Bays and then headed up towards the ANZAC Bridge (which I’d never crossed on foot before). Once I was back down to street level near the Fish Markets, I turned left and ran up the hill into Pyrmont, then up Harris Street a few blocks before turning into Darling Harbour. I went from Darling Harbour into Chinatown, then back up George Street all the way to home. I’d only gone 70 minutes at this point, so after a quick drink at home, it was back for a lap around Victoria Park. Then I staggered back home for a Gatorade and a shower. All in all, I ran 12km (about 7.5mi) at a better than 12min/mi pace. Pretty good! I’m not too far off the pace I need for the half-marathon next month. My biggest problem seems to be dehydration. As my runs get longer, I find that my mouth gets really dry and I’m gasping for water at the end. (This despite me hitting every drinking fountain I can find on the route.) I’m going to try chewing some gum and see if that helps (in addition to drinking more water, of course).

    Also, a product review! I got running tights!I ducked into Kmart tonight to see if they had any proper running tights (since RebelSport want, like, sixty bucks for theirs). They had loads of track pants, but they were all knit and seemed more fashionable than practical. But A-HA! I found a single rack of women’s “performance” 3/4-length running tights. The brand is called “Sports Limited” and they appear to be an in-house line. They were only $30 a pair(!) so I tried some on. They purport to be “anti-microbial,” and they boast of reverse seams and dri-fit fabric. They’ve even got a small pocket! They seemed to fit, so I bought two pairs. I wore them on my run tonight. Sydney running chicks, get thee to Kmart. These rock! I had absolutely no chafing or bunching. They did want to roll up a bit in front (like the running skirt), but the rise is longer so they only rolled once and didn’t constantly threaten to expose my underpants. My only minor complaint is that they’re fitted for shorter people, so the “3/4-length” actually ended right at my knees. They’ve put some grippy stuff at the edge though, and I’m happy to report that they didn’t creep up too much. All in all, I’m really happy with these! This is what I’ll be wearing at the race, I’m pretty sure.

  • RunningBlog

    I am perhaps not as hard core as I thought. Today is my third day without a run. My duodenitis has flared up again. (For those who don’t know, this is basically a stomach ulcer.) It started bothering me last weekend, and I figured it was just the stress of changing jobs. I saw my doctor Monday night though, and he’s running tests to make sure I don’t have an underlying infection. It’s been manageable, and I was able to run and swim on Tuesday. On Wednesday though… it got bad. I was in meetings all afternoon and by 4:30 I was wincing in pain. I nearly cancelled our outing to see Margaret and David. The only thing I can trace it to was possibly a green apple that I had as a snack that afternoon. That was the only unusual thing I had. Eating dinner seemed to help, but I had a pretty sleepless night. I skipped my Thursday run, of course, and I didn’t feel up to swimming either. I meant to run this morning, but it was still bothering me when I woke up. Hopefully I’ll still be able to do my long run this weekend…

  • Running

    How to feel like a real runner
    When I went out for my run this morning, it was so dark the street lights were still on. I felt hard core.

  • Running Skirt Review

    A month or so ago I read about running skirts in one of the groups over at Ravelry and decided I’d give ’em a try. I ended up ordering a GymGirl from (mostly because they were on clearance and they’d ship to Australia). The skirt came on Friday, so I wore it out for my “long” run today. While I’m definitely sold on the idea of a running skirt, I’d only rate this particular one a 7 out of 10.

    First, the pros: The fabric was really great at wicking away sweat, and I felt like I was much cooler than I usually am (in normal gym shorts). There was no bunching between my legs – which rules – and definitely no chafing. My bum looked very cute, if I do say so myself.

    Now, the negatives: I pretty much hated the waistband. It’s wide and flat, which is fine if you’ve got a nice flat stomach. Me, my belly sticks out a bit. It looks great when you’re standing in front of the mirror, but as soon as you actually start to move, the waistband promptly rolls up and heads towards your hips like a cheap pair of pantyhose. (And I HATE pantyhose.) I kept trying to either hike it up over my belly (in which case the shorts and skirt didn’t offer a lot of, ahem, coverage) or trying to get it to sit below my belly (in which case I felt like it was going to roll even farther and expose my bumcrack). The waistband issue also meant that the skirt rode up in front, so I was tugging on it fairly frequently throughout the run. The only other problem I had was the single pocket, which I carried my iPod in. Somehow part of the stitching on the side came undone and I now have a hole in my pocket. I’ll have to re-stitch it once I’ve washed it.

    So overall, I’ve decided that while I definitely like the idea of a running skirt, this particular one isn’t a perfect match for me. (Luckily I bought it on clearance so I don’t feel too bad about it.)

  • Milestones

    Milestones. Today officially marks one month of giving up Diet Coke. Today was also the first time I had two workouts in one day, running in the morning and swimming in the evening.

    I would’ve killed for a Diet Coke afterwards.

  • RunningBlog

    Earlier this week I managed to catch my friend Nat (husband to Staci) on IM, and we chatted briefly about our training programs. (He’s doing a half-marathon about the same time as I am.) After hearing about his most recent “long run,” I felt inspired to push even farther myself. Yesterday I headed out on my longest run since last year’s City to Surf. I headed up Cleveland Street all the way to the end, then past Fox Studios, down to Centennial Park, around an entire lap of the park, then all the way home again. It was just over 10K (about six miles). I was feeling a little achy in my lower back (I saw my physio again on Thursday) so I decided to take it easy. I started doing 5:1 intervals (five minutes running, 1 minute walking), but switched to 4:1 about halfway through. The interesting thing is, I still managed to keep a really good average pace. I’m not far off what I need to do to make the time cutoff in the race. I did the 10K in 77 minutes, and for the race I need to do 11K in that time. That includes probably ten minutes of warm up and cool down walking too, so without those I’d have been even faster. And what’s even more remarkable: I didn’t get any side stitches! I think the run-walk breaks are helping with that a lot. My friend Susi lent me a copy of John Bingham’s No Need for Speed, and I love the idea that you don’t need to go fast to be a “real runner.” I’m starting to feel more confident about this race!

    Of course, I’m pretty sore today. I think we might head over to the pool later for a recovery swim…

  • Swimming = HARD

    Swimming: Part 2
    I had a realization at my swimming lesson tonight. Swimming is HARD. I know that sounds stupid, but I’ve never before used swimming as a method of getting from A to B. It’s always been for cooling off at the beach or floating on the lake or playing, never for transportation. So I never really thought much about the mechanics of it before. On the few occasions I’ve tried to swim freestyle, I’d just sort of throw myself into it, with the kicking and the paddling and everything. And yeah, I sucked at it. Now that we’re breaking it down into its separate parts, I’m suddenly aware that a swimmer has to do lots of things all at the same time: floating, blowing bubbles, kicking, paddling, and timing the breathing. Folks, I’m one of those proverbial people that has trouble walking and chewing gum. Doing five things at once is a huge, HUGE challenge for me. It’s no wonder I had trouble with it before. At least with running, really all I have to worry about is not tripping.

    Anyway, we added our arms into the mix tonight (but still with the kickboards). We went up and down half the length of the pool, trying to time our breathing to the same side every time. That’s still the part that’s giving me the most trouble right now. I’m not fast enough at it, and I’m still bringing my head up too high as I gasp for breath. I think it’ll come with practice. Tonight was also the first time I feel like I got a decent workout, because kicking up and down the pool (even just half a length) is surprisingly tiring. I exchanged phone numbers with one of the other girls in the class and we’re going to try to practice together one night a week. Fun!

  • RunningBlog

    Five miles. Eight kilometers. My legs felt great, except for the persistent feeling that I was wearing 2kg ankle weights. Why do you feel really heavy some days and really light on others? So weird.

  • Ow. Ow. Ow.

    So far so good this week. I had a great run on Tuesday, and then I actually went out for another one on Wednesday. (I’m trying to increase up to four runs per week.) My legs felt pretty sore afterwards, so I decided it was time to call in a specialist. I did a Google search for recommended massage therapists for runners in Sydney and turned up This CoolRunning messageboard thread. On the basis of that, I rang Coby at Muscle Medicine and booked in for a session this morning. After he heard the history of my aches and pains, he had a look at my running shoes and my posture. The verdict is that I have a slight twist when I stand and run, tilting my left hip towards the front. This in turn caused my left quad injury, and my dodgy hamstrings, and my tense shoulders, and all kinds of stuff I never suspected. “So what do we do to fix it?” I asked. Coby just flexed his fingers ominously. Oops. He gave me the massage of my life. He actually spent most of the time on my back, telling me that it’s no good focusing on my legs if I’m just going to re-injure them again. Fair enough. He warned me that my back is going to be covered in bruises, and that his patients’ spouses are often surprised when they see them! The real pain came when he moved onto my hamstrings. Ow. Ow. Ow. I felt pretty good afterwards though, and I’m hoping to be recovered enough tomorrow to go for a run. I also asked him about the whole stretching issue, since – after reading Galloway – I haven’t been doing it. He agrees with that course of action for me, saying that I seem to have a decent amount of mobility, and what would benefit me more is core strengthening. I guess it’s time to book in those swim lessons, right?

  • RunningBlog

    Well, I was bound to have a bad week eventually. I went out for my first run on Tuesday intent on increasing my running time by 10% to 28 minutes. I only made it about half that. I just felt so tired and run-down. Later that night, I was getting into the shower when I felt a sudden twang of pain in my left quad. Crap. An injury ON TOP of a bad run. I decided to give myself some time off. I spent the next three days icing my leg and rubbing it down with Voltarin. I saw my doctor on Friday and asked whether there were any anti-inflammatories that were safe for my stomach. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS are a no-go for me, but he gave me a prescription for a new type that’s supposed to be gentler. On Saturday, I gingerly headed out for a run. I just did laps around the park (so I wouldn’t be too far away from home if it started hurting), and I tried to take small steps (shuffling, really) as much as possible. Basically, I took it easy. HOWEVER, I managed to last the whole 28 minutes and my leg felt fine. A little wobbly there at the end, but no significant pain. I took one of the new pills when I got home and that seemed to help a bit too. So it seems this week might not be the setback I feared it would be!