City 2 Surf Photos

City 2 Surf Photos – The Agony and the Ecstasy
Last night I suddenly remembered that the City 2 Surf photos were available, so I looked up our bib numbers to see what they had. The first one of me was pretty good, with me chugging along and half of the Snook visible on the side. The second one? Not so good. In fact, I laughed and laughed and laughed. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Funniest. Running Pose. Ever.Okay photo   WHAT AM I DOING?

Let’s be honest. I look like I’m in the Special Olympics in that second one. I actually remember the moment quite clearly. The guy was right at the end, standing literally at the finish line. The Snook and I were urging each other on in a sprint to finish strong. “Photographers!” I gasped. “Put your arms up!” he said. And this is what happened. WHAT AM I DOING? I couldn’t even manage a proper wave. Well, you try running eight miles and see if you photograph well at the end of it!

City 2 Surf

City 2 Surf RunnersCity 2 Surf 2007
Old American Guy: Excuse me. I just flew into Sydney today. Is there a race on or something?
Me: Yep. The City 2 Surf. Largest fun run in the world.
Him: Where does it go?
Me: From in the city here all the way out to Bondi Beach. It’s like more than 8 miles. And hey, you sound like me!
Him: Where are you from?
Me: Indiana.
Him: Did you fly all the way here just for this race??

I wish I’d said, “Yeah, I’m the favorite to win.” But instead I said, “No, I live here. I’m just waiting now for my husband to pick up his stupid race number.”

Anyway, the Snook got his number and we took our positions in the Back of the Pack. (Last year we started in an earlier group, but the Snook had left his registration too late this year. So we were in the big group with the walkers and the strollers and the freaks in gorilla suits.) The gun went off and it probably took us twenty minutes just to get up to the starting line. We were literally in the last 500 people (out of more than 64,000) to start the race. I’ll tell you what though – running with the fatties and the babies sure makes you feel like you’re flying! We ran pretty much all the way to the tunnel at the end of Williams Street. After that, we alternated between jogging on the flat and downhill sections, and brisk walking on the hills. We passed thousands of people. In Double Bay I was thrilled to see the same 80’s hair band rockin’ out on the pub roof as they did last year. We made an effort to use the drinks stations more this year (it was a beautiful, hot sunny day) and I was checking our pace pretty frequently with the Nike+ iPod kit. Heartbreak Hill was hard, but mentally I was just so much more prepared this year. (At one point, Rodd commented that “This is where you pretty much broke down last year.” I laughed and started jogging again.) We were both hurting on our descent into Bondi, and I’d been nursing a mild stitch since the 3km mark. But we persevered. The Snook knew just how to motivate me, letting me set the pace and pointing out other racers that he knew I would hate to let beat me, like the “Peaky Striders” (a walking group of old women in bright orange shirts who kicked my butt at several events last year) and the inevitable dork in a gorilla suit. We sprinted the last bit to the finish line, raising our arms for what should (hopefully) be a pretty awesome photograph. Our revised goal for the day had been to average less than ten minutes a kilometer, and thanks to all the jogging we did, we pretty much smashed it. The iPod registered a time of 2:01:30, which works out to a pace of 8:48 per kilometer. So that’s a little slower than last year, but better than expected considering our injuries and lack of training. Getting home was the usual headache of endless queues and bus rides, and we stumbled in nearly six hours after we’d left. After a shower and a sandwich, I was off to the masseuse for some much needed relaxation… And now we’re both dealing with the inevitable aches and pains. But we did it!


web-goddess wins!I won another challenge! Over the 14 days of MetaFilter Runs 3.0, I managed to log 77.21km (squeaking by the awesome AJR by a mere 1.21km). Folks, that’s an average of 5.5km A DAY. Back in the first Challenge, I did 88km in a whole month. Pretty big improvement, huh? I will admit that my ratio of running to walking isn’t great, but that’s intentional. I’m so wary of hurting myself again that I’m making a conscious effort to build my strength up slowly. The Snook and I are doing the Couch-to-5K Plan to jump-start our City 2 Surf training, and we’ve just finished Week 2. I’ve been walking to work whenever possible too – I’ve saved a heap on bus fare! I’m also icing my hamstring whenever I can to aid in recovery.

Of course, the MetaFilter boys aren’t giving up. The next Challenge has already started… and we’re going for speed. Who can run the fastest 5K in the next two weeks? Don’t worry; I’m happy to let this one go. 🙂


I can’t believe I forgot to mention this, but I won my first Nike+ Challenge! Over the thirty days of the Metafilter 1.0 Challenge, I logged 88.37km (which is just shy of 55 miles). I can’t believe it either. Especially since I injured myself halfway through and thus had to walk all the rest of it. I feel a little guilty actually, seeing as how the other participants were all dealing with the Northern Hemisphere winter and I was cruising through summer. I’m also lucky to live such a pedestrian-friendly city where I can walk to work and back every day. I’m sure the MeFites will get me next time. Many thanks to Hoey for setting it up and especially to pyjammy and pjrivera for pushing me ever further. 🙂

Mindful of the fact that some people (*cheeky look in Andrew‘s direction*) are sick of seeing them, I’ve posted my progress chart after the jump.Challenge

Yay! I’ve finally got something on my virtual trophy shelf!


After two days of rest and ice, the leg is feeling pretty good! I walked to work this morning without any pain or stiffness. The physio still wants me to refrain from running for a while longer, but at least I can get some exercise now. (And get back to my Challenges. I have another one starting today.)


It appears that perhaps psorr was prescient. Despite not running for the past few days, I’ve just suffered a blinding pain in my left quad when reaching down for a book. I’m off to the physio in ten minutes. STUPID STUPID STUPID.

Later: Turns out I have a small tear in this sucker. It’s not bad. I’m supposed to ice it for a few days and take it easy. I can walk, but not fast. The hardest thing is fighting the urge to stretch it. (I’m not supposed to.) It’s like poking a sore tooth. I just want to make sure it still hurts. Again, STUPID.


Hoey’s challenge is killing me! But as we agreed over IM today, it’s doing a really good job of motivating us to run. The lead keeps switching between me, him, and another person, and every time I see that I’m in third I have to head out there again. I’ve done over twelve miles in four days! (That’s nearly 20km.) My hamstrings are actually holding up really well; it’s the rest of me that’s falling apart. My left quad is sore and my lower back is tied up in knots. I think I may have to switch it up to walking for a few days if I’m doing to survive the month.

Oh – and since someone has asked, for running music I usually listen to Podrunner. This guy does a weekly podcast of dance music that’s all set to a specific “beats per minute.” It’s great at keeping me in a rhythm without the distraction of iTunes occasionally throwing up a Disney song. (My other preferred workout music is, of course, Max’s mixes.)


I was surfing MeFi last week when I saw this post suggesting a Nike+ challenge for MetaFilter users. “Intriguing!” I thought. “A running contest against pasty white geekboys? I might actually have a chance!” So I signed up. Then today I got an IM from the originator… and it turns out to be my old college friend Hoey! I’m not sure whether knowing one of the participants makes me more or less bloodthirsty. *shrug* Anyhoo, tonight I headed out for a 5K run around Vic Park. I managed the whole thing without stopping – quite the accomplishment here lately – and my hamstrings seem to be holding up well. (I’ve been applying anti-inflammatory gel before and after I run, and I’ve even started going to yoga again in an attempt to get in more stretching.) And the coolest thing is – thanks to the time zone difference, I’m the only one who’s had a chance to run yet so I’m in first place! I’ll try to enjoy it while it lasts…

Nike+ iPod Tracker

Nike+ iPod Tracker
I was reading Podophile the other day when I discovered that someone’s written a WordPress widget to display your running Nike+ stats on your blog. The obvious problem is that I’m not running WordPress. In the comments I discovered two possible alternatives: (a service that grabs your data for you) and this bit of PHP that emulates the WordPress widget. I’m wary of giving my username and password to a service with so little identifying information, so is out. I turned to the code. It works by hitting the Nike site every hour and pulling down your data. Well, I don’t run that much. So the Snook and I came up with the idea of setting up a cron job to run the script at midnight every night. It pulls down all my run information (as XML files) and then I can do whatever I like with it. So far, I’ve created a badge for my sidebar with my cumulative totals. Whaddaya think? This weekend I’ll add in the details of my most recent run. Drop me an e-mail if you’re interested in the code. And thanks to Ernie for getting me started!