Category: Photo Post

Images and videos that I’ve taken on-the-go

  • University of Sydney Alumni Festival

    University of Sydney Alumni Festival

    Today was the University of Sydney Alumni Festival, which Rodd registered us for some time ago. They had tours, exhibitions, talks, and events happening all over campus, and it would have been perfect if it hadn’t been drizzling and gray all day. We went over in the morning for a tour of the New Law School building, which opened 15 years ago.

    We started down in the basement at the library, which is massive and connects to the nearby Fisher library.

    Law School Library

    I was especially eager to go into the light well, that bit you can see in the middle in the triangular opening. It’s a stunning space, but as our tour guide pointed out, you really see the challenge with “big glass box buildings” in Sydney: it has persistent leaks when it rains. They had several buckets out, and we saw a few different spots throughout the building where rain had gotten in and caused damage.

    Light well

    They also have a native garden that includes a grass tree, or “gadi.” I was especially interested in this one as we’re planning to put one in our back garden when the landscaping is finished.

    Native garden

    From the second floor, we had a great view of the art installation featuring gadi on the exterior facade of the building. It was designed by First Nations artist Michael Jalaru Torres.

    Looking out from the New Law School building

    Our tour guide mentioned some of the more famous alumni from the law school, but admitted that they were mostly of the “old white guy” variety. We checked out a hall with many portraits, and we were all pleasantly surprised to see a woman of colour included: Professor Alice Tay, who certainly had an illustrious career.

    Portraits of old white guys

    Professor Alice Tay

    Up on the top floor, there was an artwork about the human rights crises in Ukraine and Gaza. I was especially interested to see the artist’s use of traditional craft mediums like cross stitch and beading.

    Cross stitch artworkBeaded artwork

    In the afternoon we went for a tour of the engineering buildings. I was really excited to see and learn about the award-winning rocket from the USYD student rocketry team.


    My other favourite part was the Sydney Manufacturing Hub. We had a fascinating talk from one of the faculty about all the different forms of 3-D printing they do, including unusual materials like ceramic and stainless steel.

    Sydney Manufacturing Hub

    Our final activity for the day was a talk with Katherine Bennell-Pegg, who this year because the first qualified astronaut under the Australian flag, as well as the first female Australian astronaut. What an amazing and inspiring person! She told us how she’d always wanted to be an astronaut, and all the steps and challenges she overcame in achieving her goal. The audience loved it, and my favourite part was seeing how many young girls were excited to meet her and ask questions.

    Young girls raising their hands to ask a question of an astronaut

  • Sydney University Alumni Festival

    Sydney University Alumni Festival

    Any other Sydney Uni alumni at the festival today?

  • Dessert


    My pumpkin pie ice cream turned out really well! Much more suitable on a hot day than trying to bake.

  • MTV Thanksgiving Special 1997

    MTV Thanksgiving Special 1997

    The Snook had a special Thanksgiving surprise for me: he downloaded the 1997 MTV Thanksgiving special, with poor Kurt Loder trying to interact with Beavis and Butthead. 😂 It’s terrible.

  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    It’s way too hot to cook a traditional Thanksgiving dinner in Sydney this week, so I decided to spin it into a classic American picnic: chicken salad rolls and potato salad. Yum. 🦃


  • Used book JACKPOT

    Used book JACKPOT

    I’ve put a fair number of old books in our local “Street Library” box over the past few months, but this is the first time I’ve fished one out! #sunny

  • 7-11 Onigiri 🍙 – continued!

    7-11 Onigiri 🍙 – continued!

    Time to try the other two 7-11 onigiri flavours!

    First up I went with the Teriyaki Chicken, which I think illustrates just how “ungenerous” the filling is in these. It also didn’t really taste of much. Definitely my least favourite of the three.

    Teriyaki chicken onigiri

    Lastly, we have the Sweet Chilli Cooked Salmon. I definitely wasn’t expecting much (Sweet chilli? Really, Australia?!), especially when I saw the little blob of filling. BUT I was very happily surprised. It’s great! Lots more flavour than either of the other two, and if I ever get them again, this will be my choice.

    Sweet Chilli Cooked Salmon onigiri

  • Dinner


    Korean Chili-Braised Brisket with Kimchi Coleslaw! I accidentally bought an extra tub of gochujang so this was a great way of using it up. 😍

    The recipe is here. It’s technically for an Instant Pot, but I did it in a traditional pressure cooker and therefore reduced the time a bit. (I think the traditional one gets a bit higher pressure.) You can also use a slow cooker, but that would have required starting the day before to get everything properly marinated.

  • 7-11 Onigiri 🍙

    7-11 Onigiri 🍙

    Rodd told me recently that 7-11 Australia has been bought out by the Japanese version, and that as a result we were likely to finally get some of their awesome food here in NSW. Yesterday I popped into the one at the corner of Pitt and Bathurst in the Sydney CBD and happily found all three flavours!

    Onigiri is definitely my favourite convenience store food in Japan. While I’ve had good onigiri in Sydney, it’s never been quite right. I really like the texture of the crispy seaweed, but none of the fancy places have that. They’re always damp and soft due to the moisture of the rice. The only way to keep them crisp is to use the special wrapper that keeps the seaweed from touching the rice until right before you eat it.

    So I was thrilled to see that the 7-11 onigiri has the special wrapper!

    7-11 Onigiri

    I tried the Spicy Cooked Tuna today. Even after spending the night in the fridge, the seaweed was still satisfyingly crispy when I pulled off the wrapper.

    Crispy seaweed

    Taste-wise, I felt it was pretty good… though the amount of filling could’ve been better. I’m sure an onigiri expert could find more fault, but this ticked my boxes.

    Inside the onigiri

    My only real complaint is the cost. At $3.70 each, these are basically double what they cost in Japan! It’s still cheaper than the fancy ones I’ve had elsewhere in Sydney, but it grates knowing they’re so much cheaper elsewhere.

    Now if they could just bring out the Tuna Mayo flavour!!

  • Dinner


    My turn to cook! Fusilli with sausage, kale, and tomato. The recipe used to be on Serious Eats, but looks like they’ve taken it down. 😒