Category: Travel

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    The Gaytime was the overall favourite. #fatduck

    The Gaytime was the overall favourite. #fatduck

    Savoury ice creams: Waldorf Rocket, Salmon roll, and Golden Gaytime (chicken liver pate with fig and roast almond). #fatduck

    Savoury ice creams: Waldorf Rocket, Salmon roll, and Golden Gaytime (chicken liver pate with fig and roast almond). #fatduck

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    Aperitifs... with liquid nitrogen! #fatduck

    Aperitifs… with liquid nitrogen! #fatduck

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    WE'RE HERE! It's like Wonka's chocolate factory already. #fatduck

    WE’RE HERE! It’s like Wonka’s chocolate factory already. #fatduck @ The Fat Duck – Heston Blumenthal

    Perusing the wine

    Perusing the wine “list.” @ The Fat Duck – Heston Blumenthal

    It begins. And for the curious, photographs are encouraged! :) #fatduck

    It begins. And for the curious, photographs are encouraged! 🙂 #fatduck

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    And now an aperitif. (This is the classiest place we could find in the casino.)

    And now an aperitif. (This is the classiest place we could find in the casino.) @ Atrium Bar

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    Predinner beers.

    Predinner beers. @ Belgian Beer Cafe Melbourne

    We scrub up well.

    We scrub up well. @ Alto Hotel

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    The Melbourne Costco sells Ferris wheels!

    The Melbourne Costco sells Ferris wheels! @ Costco Melbourne

  • Canberra bound.

    Light posting this Easter weekend, as the Snook and I are heading to the national capital. We’re meeting Eileen tonight at the airport and tomorrow we’re going to see the Masterpieces from Paris Exhibition. Special thanks to Bells and Sean for letting us stay in their house, and to Issy for catsitting at our place!

    I leave you with a photo of me and a giant concrete sheep. Yes, really. IT’S THE BIG MERINO!

    Big Merino

  • Weekend in Kiama

    Surf Beach in KiamaFor those who weren’t following along on Twitter, the Snook and I spent last weekend in Kiama on the south coast of New South Wales. It was BEAUTIFUL. I took a bunch of photos. Special thank you to Kylie and Ailsa for meeting up with us at the Guild meeting and going out for coffee afterwards! (And thanks to Fiona for looking in on the oblivious felines.)

  • Any Disney/Orlando advice for us?

    I’m finalizing the details of our stay in Orlando next month(!). We get in on the evening of Tuesday the 10th, and we fly out on Monday the 16th. I was looking at staying in a Disney Hotel, but JEEZ they’re expensive! recommended this place instead, and that’s what I’m leaning towards. (Especially since it’s right across the road from Celebration; I’ve always wanted to go there!) So I’m thinking we stay there throughout that week and do the touristy stuff. We do have the Astronaut thing on the 12th, which unfortunately means (I think) that the multi-day Disney tickets that save you money aren’t going to be any good for us, since we wouldn’t be going to the parks on consecutive days. The Snook’s not a huge thrill-ride guy, so I’m thinking we can give Universal a miss. (Though I went there in 2000 and LOVED it.) So I’m thinking maybe one day at the Magic Kingdom, and then another day at Epcot. Normally I’d give the MK a pass since I’ve been there before (and Rodd went to the one at EuroDisney), but then again he’s never ridden the Haunted Mansion and neither of us have been on Splash Mountain. Neither of us have been to Epcot, and I think we’d like that. Is Animal Kingdom worth going to? I like the sound of Expedition Everest, but the rest doesn’t sound too spectacular. I’ve done MGM before and – though I might be able to drag the Snook onto the Tower of Terror – I doubt he’d enjoy it much. Any thoughts or suggestions? (We’ll probably spend that Saturday/Sunday with my relatives.)

  • King-sized Relaxation

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    Melbourne has been great so far! We just had dinner at Crumpet’s. The best part is that the heat in our hotel room was broken, so they just upgraded us to the Rain Man suite! SCORE. Snookums is pumped.