Category: Uncategorized

  • Taxation

    I did not expect my call with a US tax accountant to be so amusing, but what can you do but laugh? “Nobody knows how the next four years are going to play out.” “We just need someone to tweet Elon about it.” 😂🤷‍♀️

  • Forgetfulness

    One of the challenges of being back at an event like YOW Brisbane is that it highlights how terrible my memory has become for faces. I’m usually good if I see a person’s nametag, but without it I will 100% reintroduce myself to someone I’ve met many times. 😔 Apologies in advance everyone – it’s not you; it’s definitely me!

  • Incorrect Opal charges

    Does anyone else struggle with incorrect Opal charges? I love the convenience of contactless payments, but I’ve noticed a lot of discrepancies in how they are processed. We keep a very close eye on our bank statements and match them up to the Transport Connect Activity Statements, and it’s often very messy. Charges can be bunched up and processed days (sometimes longer!) after actual travel, which can make it hard to spot issues. I’ve just spent 20 minutes comparing my November activity (which is correct) to the actual charges on my credit card, and they’ve double-charged me for 4 trips ($10.88 in total). I’ve lodged a ticket, but I can’t help think how many other people might be affected who aren’t as fastidious as I am in checking this shit.

  • Architectural dreaming

    Architectural dreaming

    One of the things we promised ourselves when we left for Germany was that when we got back, we’d finally renovate and redecorate the house. We did up the kitchen in 2012, of course, and then the garden in 2013-2014 and the en suite bathroom in 2016. Before we left in 2020, we replaced the carpeting in our offices and the ceiling lights. But the rest of the interior is basically the same as when we moved in, and all our furniture was mostly cheap IKEA stuff we’d accumulated over the years. We saw the move as the opportunity to get rid of a lot of things, and to start to invest in actual interior design and “grown-up” furniture. We also have a few structural things we want to do, like refresh the main bathroom, redo the closets, pull down the ceiling cornice (if we can), and change the window treatments.

    So of course, I’ve started a Pinterest board. Rodd’s sister also brought us a giant stack of design magazines.

    Design magazines

    Here’s the thing – we both really like mid-century design. We’ve got a couple pieces that we know we want to keep: our bed, our vintage sideboard, Rodd’s Grandma’s cupboards and my rocking chair (both of which can be seen here), and these funky little shelves. We’ve also got some art for the walls. But other than that, everything else can go. We’ve set an arbitrary rule that we’re allowed IKEA things in the bedrooms and offices, but not in the main part of the house.

    I find myself scrolling through endless photos of mid-century shelving systems and conversation pits. (Did you know the conversation pit “is back”?) We spent hours today watching Architectural Digest videos on YouTube. But I don’t want to just create a pastiche of the Miller house, you know? I think it also needs to be more modern and us, and of course we’re limited by the concrete box floorplan that already exists.

    If you know of a good Sydney based interior designer, please let me know. We’ve put out feelers to a few, but always looking for more recommendations!

    PS – We did visit the Miller house back in 2019, and it’s amazing. (Rodd really, really wants that wall of built-in shelves.) If you’re into that type of thing, highly recommend you visit Columbus, Indiana and watch the excellent John Cho film

    Us at the Miller House

  • How Do You Make Lace?

    Very, very slowly, it turns out.

    I’ve never been a big fan of lace myself on garments – mostly because I have sensitive skin and I find it itchy – but I loved this historical overview on types of lace from Broiderie Stitch. Maybe I need to give lacemaking a go? Looks like the Australian Lace Guild have workshops in Sydney…

    Note to self: get your glasses/contacts prescription updated first!

    (Link courtesy of this great Metafilter post, which has some other lace-related links as well.)


  • Pronouns, and why everybody’s talking about them

    “Everything you wanted to know about pronouns but were afraid to ask” – nice Guardian article explaining why more and more companies, organisations, events, and social networks support the ability for people to nominate their pronouns. I actually covered this very briefly on an internal work meeting recently. It was prompted by someone on our team being asked for their pronouns by a tech conference, and them not understanding that it meant. I think it’s perhaps especially confusing for non-native English speakers (some languages don’t have gendered pronouns at all), and for those folks in cultures where this issue just hasn’t penetrated much yet. I explained that it’s not a big deal – there are people whose gender might not be what you expect, so if you guess their pronouns, you might get it wrong. Our internal staff directory has a place now for people to specify their pronouns if they want to, and our default Powerpoint deck includes it on the title slide as well. At our big events, we also provide stickers or pins for people to put on their name tag to indicate pronouns.

    Some folks think their own gender and pronouns are pretty obvious, so there’s no need to specify. And that’s fine; it’s not like there’s any mandate or expectation. But for me, it comes down to politeness and wanting to make people feel comfortable. If me listing my pronouns (she/her/hers, for the record) on the internal staff directory helps to normalise this a bit more – and make it that much less embarrassing for someone who does need to do it – then why wouldn’t I? It’s not like it’s a huge hardship for me. I’m certainly not going to get offended if someone chooses to state theirs.

    Of course, there are those who claim the sticking point is grammar. They don’t like people identifying as “they/them,” and they erroneously claim the singular they/them is incorrect. Guess what? English uses singular they/them all the time and you probably don’t even notice. In fact, I used it all through this blog post. Didja catch that? 😃

    Someone I know on Facebook made the following image, which might help if you still don’t get it…

    Remember the unicorn!

    Lastly, I know that some folks are very worried they’ll get someone’s pronouns wrong. Honestly, it’s okay. It’s like getting someone’s name wrong. Just correct yourself, apologise to them if they’re there, and try to do better next time. Honestly, it’s probably less of an issue than you think. When you’re talking to someone, you’ll most likely just use “you” rather than any gendered pronouns. It’s really only an issue when you’re talking about someone, or introducing them to a third person.

  • Stacy’s Dad

    Super fun cover I’ve had on repeat for a week. Bonus: it taught me what the phrase “down bad” means, which is apparently a thing the kids are saying.

  • 🍷

    The Best ALDI Wines for $10 or Less – As a connoisseur of supermarket wine, this is very relevant to my interests.

  • Of S’mores and Angels on Horseback

    The many lives of Angels on Horseback

    I enjoyed this little bit of investigation into the origins of the classic American campfire snack S’mores. Halfway through it turns into the much more interesting discussion of Angels on Horseback, a fancy hors d’oeuvre of bacon-wrapped oysters. I’ve never had those before, but I have eaten (and prepared) the similarly named Devils on Horseback. We usually do dates stuffed with Parmigiano cheese wrapped in bacon and baked in the oven. Really makes it feel like a classy 70’s dinner party…