Category: Uncategorized

  • More British election fun: Am I Electable Or Not? I’d vote for Ant & Dec before William Hague any day.

  • It’s a videogame kinda day. Slashdot is running a story on the upcoming Star Wars Galaxies multiplayer online game. My favorite comment from the discussion:

      “I’m actually looking forward to be a Jawa. Killing rednecks in Tatoonie with my ion-gun, stealing their droids and bringing them to my massive Sandcrawler for trade. Utinni!”

    Personally, I’d be a lot more excited about this if I could play it on my iMac. 🙁

  • Well… it’s technically Monday, although I’d call it very, very late Sunday. The damn thing isn’t quite ready yet, so I’m rescinding my vow of not-blogging. I won’t be able to work on it again til tomorrow night. But it’s almost done. I swear.
    (Lest you think I’ve been slacking all weekend, I’ll have you know I went to the gym twice! Saturday I did Aqua-robics with old people, and today I pumped iron in the Ladies’ gym. Go me.)

  • It sounds like the Harry Potter videogame is going to be good. I’m crossing my fingers that the Mac and Game Boy Color ports don’t both suck.

  • Slight blogging hiatus while I get the new system up and running. You’ll hear back from me by Monday, I promise.

  • British men’s magazine FHM have released their “World’s Sexiest Women” rankings again. J.Lo wins the top spot again, but I was more interested in the rest of the list. Let’s see… Rachel from S Club 7, Britney, Christina, Carmen Electra, Salma Hayak, Cat Deely, Charlize Theron. Sure. Okay. But there’s one more: Alyson Hannigan. As in, Willow from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”?? Not that she’s not sexy; I mean, I like her best out of all the ones on there. But she just doesn’t fit with the pop stars/actresses/big bum crowd, you know? Unfortunately I don’t think it was her intellect and personality that entranced the men of FHM; I rather think it had something to do with her character’s lesbian witchery. But maybe that’s just me being cynical.

  • Apparently girls are the root of all evil. As a feminist, even I am powerless in the face of such inexorable logic. 🙂

  • Ooh, more details about the Britney Spears video game: It’s going to be called “Experience Britney” (*snicker*) and it’s going to be an enhanced DVD type thing that uses “immersive technology”, which involves “her being recorded at a concert from all angles on a 360 degree plain. Using controls, the viewer could go behind Spears to watch the audience reaction, or watch the singer from the side.” Uh-huh. People are going to use the “behind Britney” viewpoint to see the audience. Riiiiight.

  • It’s all about cultural differences. Clinton gets egged and laughs it off. John Prescott gets egged and punches the thrower in the face. Never say Englishmen aren’t “hard”.

  • Remember that former aide of Fergie’s who’s been on trial for murder? Well, they found her guilty. What have we learned from this trial? 1) If you’re going to claim sexual assault, make sure you don’t make any potentially embarrassing clothing purchases while on the lam. 2) The “Hormone Defense” never works.