Month: February 2005

  • Wedding Album

    Wedding AlbumA few weeks ago, Amy suggested that we put together a photo album to show our guests at the reception. With this, my inner scrapbooking demon was unleashed. The results are now online for your to check out. I’m just happy that I managed to resist the urge to add stickers.

  • Reception


    The reception was a smashing success….

  • Paris Made Me Change my Number

    Paris Made Me Change My Number. Ha! I’m just annoyed I didn’t get a chance to phone Seth Green before he changed his. I’d be all, “Quit taking ass-roles, Oz!”

  • Food phobias.

    I’m talkin’ food phobias over on Ask.MeFi. About seafood, naturally…

  • Oscar Contest

    Just looking at the Oscar Contest predictions and, man, there are clear-cut favorites in every single category. I hope there’s at least one upset or we’re going to end up in a massive tie. As with last year, I need a couple volunteers to count the dead people in the tribute montage for me. (It won’t air here til a few hours later.) The good news is that I’ve got Monday off so I’ll be sitting on the computer watching the results come in and updating everyone’s scores.

  • What I’ve Been Up To

    • Swimming. No, really. On both Tuesday and today the Snook and I got up at 6:30 and walked over to Vic Park Pool to swim laps. It’s part of our new plan not to be so unfit. Stop laughing. Unfortunately we really suck and we haven’t managed more than six lengths each so far. My biggest hindrance is that I was never taught to do a proper stroke. The Snook showed me the breaststroke but I AM THE WORST PERSON EVER AT IT. I actually go faster when I don’t kick my legs. When I do kick, I end up veering off to the right every time like a broken grocery cart. It’s pathetic.
    • Work stress. Can’t say much at the moment, but there’s a bit of a shift going on. I’m only tangentially involved but it’s still wrenching.
    • Cabaret. Gadgetgirl’s Mom is in town so Tuesday night the three of us headed to Newtown to see “Dolly Downunder.” She was fabulous. The best part of the evening, though, was when Dolly – in preparation for her “clarinet solo” – announced she’d be playing Acker Bilk’s greatest hit. In the three seconds of politely puzzled audience silence that followed, a drawling Midwestern voice could clearly be heard saying emphatically, “STRANGERS ON THE SHORE.” Dolly started. “Who said that?” she said. “House lights up!” The lights came up, and she zeroed in on our table where Amy’s Mom sat triumphantly. Dolly chatted with her and adorably mimicked the accent, then dedicated the song to Lynn. Amy and I were pissing ourselves. Greatest cabaret moment EVER.
    • Reception preparations. I was happily putting together our photo album tonight when I realized how much I was enjoying myself. I even thought, “Ooh, I should go to Dymocks tomorrow so I can get a sparkly pen for writing captions. And maybe they’ll have some appropriate stickers or a novelty hole punch!” And then I realized that I was becoming a GODDAMN SCRAPBOOKER and promptly threw myself beneath a train. Metaphorically speaking.

    Oh, and I’m working six days straight so I can have the reception and day after off. The customers are really starting to annoy me. Titsiana came in again. *shudder* The only ray of light was when Real Angora Man came in today to tell me about the progress on his faux fur bolero.

  • Get better, Mike!

    Hey, Mike: Please get better soon, because your Sydney show is coming up and my tickets are en route! Love, your lifelong fan Kris. (PS – Please don’t wear one of those weird leisure suits for the concert.)

  • Wedding rings at last!

    moblogged image

    Check it out! Ma and Pa Snook got us some hematite rings on their recent holiday, so now we’ve finally got temporary wedding bands!

  • RSVP, please. I know it’s redundant.

    Busy, busy, busy, work work work. Remind me to tell you about my new (non-) favorite customer sometime soon, the one I have dubbed “Titsiana Booberini.” *shudder* Oh, and a final plea for RSVPs from the reception invitees. If you don’t come to the party, you don’t get to see the way cool photo album I’ve been slaving over…

    Yeah, okay, that was a lame bribe. How about free beer?

  • l33tsp33k

    From Microsoft: A parent’s guide to computer slang. As John Gruber puts is, this is so square it’s hilarious. Now I’m off to eat some |-|4/\/\.