Booklist 2005 Project

Fill my head.
I bought a couple new books yesterday: The Character of Cats and Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction lately. I used to devour novels but anymore I just don’t trust my judgment as to what’s good. So I was intrigued by this post at defective yeti. He’s basically asking his readers to recommend books and promising to read them this year. Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Most of the books I get are ones I see recommended on blogs anyway. Therefore I’m asking you guys to help me out. What should I read? There’s no requirement that it be new, but I’d prefer fiction over non-fiction (since I have no trouble picking those out myself). Bonus points for unusual stuff like graphic novels. I promise to post at least something about every book as I finish it. So, whaddaya got?

I Heart Knitting.

I Heart KnittingSo… I went to the knitting thing tonight. It was a bit sad, really. Better Homes & Gardens are going to be talking about pub knitting like it’s this big, huge movement, when in reality there were a total of five of us there. (Granted, it was short notice.) We ended up packing the room with half the production staff, so consequently I spent the whole time stuck in the corner trying to teach the makeup guy how to do garter stitch. And I went to all that trouble to make a special shirt…


And yeah, that’s my sheep.

Me and the Dell Dude

Me and the Dell DudeI was going through some pictures last night when I found this awesome one of me at a cast party in college. And who is that with his arm wrapped around me? Rob “Dell Dude” Sudduth. Oh yeah. Me partyin’ up with the cute Dell guy. I told you!


After curry, three glasses of wine, and the latest episode of The O.C.

Me: …So, I thought that the accepted psychological basis for heterosexual man’s preoccupation with lesbianism was that they got to watch naked women without the presence of a man to make them feel all gay and stuff.
Snook: Nahhh, for me it’s just because there’s twice as much boobies.
Me: [after shooting wine through my nose] Dude! Can I put that on my website?
Him: Whatever…

Knitting on TV!

Attention Sydney knitters! I’ve just gotten word from Meg that the Sydney Stitch N Bitch is going to be filmed by Better Homes & Gardens for an upcoming show! The only problem is that the presenter’s schedule means they need to film the spot… tomorrow night. We need to pack Hart’s Pub with as many knitters and crocheters as we can get. If you can hold a pair of needles, we want you there. It starts at 5:00 pm (which is a crap time, I know). Details and a map are available on the website. Hope to see you there!

Guess the Commercial

Guess the Commercial
Okay, remember when we played this before? I give you the setup for an Australian television advertisement that is currently pissing me off, and you guess the punchline and the product. Ready?

We crane in on a couple panting in bed, presumably post-coitus. The man is fidgety and disheveled. “Sorry,” he says. The Angelina Jolie-lookalike beside him grins. “That’s okay.” She rolls over to the night table as the wacky trumpets of sexual dissatisfaction kick in. As her partner covers his eyes in masculine shame, she moans with pleasure as she pops open… WHAT? And WHY?

Let the guessing commence. Your clues: This isn’t one of those ads that airs at 2:30 am. It’s been on every day this week during Days of Our Lives, which runs at 1:00 pm. You can tell this because the woman is wearing a tank top to cover her boobies, despite the fact that nobody – outside Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the women of Sex and the City – have sex with a top on. So it’s not that dirty…