Apparently it’s National Thylacine Day. The last captive Tasmanian Tiger died on this day seventy years ago. I did not know that. The photographs on that page are fascinating. Thylacines can open their mouths really wide! They don’t look like that on the Cascade bottle.
Month: September 2006
Australians all let us rejoice!
The letter has arrived, and yours truly is going to become a genuine citizen of this fine nation three weeks from tomorrow! If any of you feel like attending – which will probably entail chucking a sickie, as they’ve scheduled me for a Friday afternoon – the ceremony is on September 29th at 3:30pm in the Sydney City Council Chambers, Lord Mayor’s Reception Room at the Town Hall. (I wonder if that means Clover’s going to be there?) We will, of course, be holding the promised bigass Kris Becomes Strine Party BBQ on the following day (which happens to be the AFL Grand Final – how appropriate!). -
Job Application
Albert just handed me a job application that was posted in… from BEIRUT. I’m not joking. It’s got about five Lebanese stamps on it with matching postmarks and an “International Post” sticker. It’s a normal enough application, except that she’s not in Australia and admits she doesn’t have citizenship, residency, or a visa. How weird is that? Does she want us to sponsor her for a worker’s visa? If so, why’d she put down that she’d prefer part-time work? She didn’t even list an e-mail address so I could write her back. If this is a practical joke, it’s a good one!
Puffy Cookie Puff
I left work early today feeling pretty crappy… but the Snook knew how to cheer me up. He brought me a Puffy Puff Puff Cookie Puff! (Or whatever they’re called.) I have to say I was a bit underwhelmed. Cold, crumbly… and nowhere near as orgasmic as Beard Papa’s sounds. Still, it was a sweet gesture and it made me feel a lot better.
Pilates of the Caribbean. *snort* I really shouldn’t be laughing when my stomach hurts like this… (Link courtesy of John.)
Kitchen Myths
Kitchen Myths. Very interesting. There are a few things I didn’t know in there. (Link courtesy of not martha.)
The 2007 Good Food Guide is out, along with the list of this year’s “hatted” restaurants. Augustus Gloop has the rundown here. I have sadly only eaten at four of them: Tetsuya’s, Rockpool, Buon Ricordo, and Restaurant Balzac. (Balzac went down a star this year? THEY’RE DREAMIN’!) We really need to rectify this situation.
Unrelated: This is my 6000th post!
RSS Fixed
How weird that my RSS feed has evidently been broken for AGES and none of you called me on it. (Are people not using it?) Anyway, I’ve fixed the date issue so they should be appearing properly now.
Mystery Solved
Mystery Solved
Well, that was weird. I wasn’t too scared about the endoscopy this morning but I wasn’t looking forward to it either. After changing into a hospital gown and climbing into a ridiculously short bed (with sides like a crib – I felt like a big baby!), I had an IV thingy put into my arm. (These are great. When we all start getting cyborg improvements, sign me up for one of these.) The anesthetist was named Don and had the most beautiful blue eyes. He pushed a little bit of clear drugs through my “jack” and told me it would be like drinking a couple bourbons. “When will it hit me?” I asked. “About thirty seconds.” He was right. I remember looking at the curtain separating my bed from the next and being entranced by the moving colours. I next have a vague memory of being wheeled into the procedure room and having Don put a plastic guard into my mouth. Then next thing I knew, I was waking up back in the recovery room just as if I’d had a pleasant nap. “Is it my turn yet?” I asked the nurse. “You’re all done,” he said. Huh? I had to check the clock and ask repeatedly before I believed them. This was the very definition of painless. I dozed for a bit before sitting up and reaching for my mobile phone. (The picture is below.) Then I had a cup of tea and some biscuits. Eventually Dr. George came over to tell me the good news: they found the problem.The good news is that I definitely don’t have an ulcer. No H.pylori for me! The bad news is that I have erosive duodenitis. This means that they saw some wounds where my stomach joins my small intestine. (There are pictures on this site. They’re a little gross.) And how did I get it? The major culprit looks to be ibuprofen. Yep, really. I used to take a lot of it to deal with period pain through high school and college. We’re talking at least a dozen a day or I’d be vomiting from the cramps. Coincidentally, college is also when I started having stomach problems. Funny how I never put the two together, you know? Anyway, my ibuprofen consumption dropped considerably when I went on the Depo a few years back, but I’d still take it occasionally for headaches and stuff. The damage was probably already done though. Treatment for duodenitis is basically to stop taking whatever’s irritating you. I stopped taking ibuprofen several weeks ago when Dr. Chin told me too… and I guess that’s why I’ve been feeling better. I’m also supposed to go back on Nexium for a while to help heal.
So in the end I’m mostly just happy that we were able to figure out what was wrong with me. It really sucks feeling pain that you can’t really pinpoint and then worrying that it doesn’t have a fixable cause. Big thanks go to Snookums for taking care of me and to the folks at the Inner West Endoscopy Centre for being so nice and (especially Don with his blue, blue eyes) for making a stressful procedure literally painless. Now I’m going to go nap some more.