Thanks to Max, the Snook and I are now debating the ethics of foie gras (as defended by Jeffrey Steingarten). We’re definitely in the “eat it in small portions” camp. Hey, I’ve got friends who are vegans and pescavores, and I admire them all… but I’m an omnivore, and meat is so good. (The Snook prepared a chateaubriand this week that made me weak in the knees.) Of course, if Sakai-san ever sat a dish down in front of me with an inch-thick slab of foie gras on top, I’d be ALL OVER IT.
Month: January 2007
The Golden Compass
Kevin pointed me towards some great new images from The Golden Compass. Sam Elliot made me swoon with the most glorious ‘tache ever. Nicole Kidman looks absolutely stunning as Mrs. Coulter. (I can’t wait to see her dæmon.) I’m still disappointed that Terence Stamp isn’t playing Lord Asriel, but Daniel Craig looks spiffing in his period getup. (He does, however, sport my least favorite facial hair ever: the beard that grows right up to the bottom lip, all the way across.) The newcomer playing Lyra looks great and gets to sport some adorable knitwear. I predict the knitters are going to be all over her her Gyptian hat (Dude, is that, like, fifty-ply?) and this strangely adorable bonnet.
Jaywalker Sock Pattern
Jaywalker Sock Pattern. Bookmarking because I think that might be a good one for my Vesper sock yarn…
Nike+ iPod Tracker
Nike+ iPod Tracker
I was reading Podophile the other day when I discovered that someone’s written a WordPress widget to display your running Nike+ stats on your blog. The obvious problem is that I’m not running WordPress. In the comments I discovered two possible alternatives: (a service that grabs your data for you) and this bit of PHP that emulates the WordPress widget. I’m wary of giving my username and password to a service with so little identifying information, so is out. I turned to the code. It works by hitting the Nike site every hour and pulling down your data. Well, I don’t run that much. So the Snook and I came up with the idea of setting up a cron job to run the script at midnight every night. It pulls down all my run information (as XML files) and then I can do whatever I like with it. So far, I’ve created a badge for my sidebar with my cumulative totals. Whaddaya think? This weekend I’ll add in the details of my most recent run. Drop me an e-mail if you’re interested in the code. And thanks to Ernie for getting me started! -
A Melbourne cat has just been granted a credit card. Hmm. This will give Dr. Amy Jones ideas. I’ll have to call the bank tomorrow and tell them to watch for any suspicously large purchases of tuna.
200 Calories
The Snook just sent me a great food/diet link: What does 200 calories look like? He adds: “The take-home message is ‘Less butter, more turkey.’”
Sock Monkeys
Sock Monkey Ideas?
After last year’s stroke of brilliance with the gay sock monkey cowboys, I’m having difficulty coming up with a concept for this year’s Oscar contest prize. None of the movies seem as iconic or ripe for parody, you know? So I’m opening it up to you guys. Any suggestions? If I use your idea, I’ll make an extra monkey and send it to you. -
Typographic Pinup Girls
Typographic Pinup Girls. They look “Not Safe for Work” from a distance, but up close it’s all type, baby.
Lego Death Star
Lego Death Star. Sweeeet. (Link courtesy of the Snook.)