My blog is going to kindergarten, folks! That’s right; I’ve officially been blogging at web-goddess for FIVE years. (The archives go back a little further because I was blogging elsewhere.) As I have done in previous years, I’ve compiled some statistics about the past twelve months. Overall the trend was towards less posting and commenting (which isn’t very surprising given that it was my first full year not working as an IT drone). Here we go!
- Number of posts: 779 (That’s down nearly 100 from last year!)
- Number of comments: 2528 (Down 795 from last year!)
- Comments-to-post ratio: 3.25 (Pretty close to last year, actually.)
- Comments mentioning the Snook: 200 (Good grief, that’s like 25%!)
- Most commented posts: Half-Blood Prince Review, My Birthday, Send Emma a Postcard, “What candy would you sell your soul for?”, Cottage Cheese Recipes
- Top 10 commenters (excluding myself): Amy (173), Eileen (86), Marci (86), Niffler (80), Tricia (72), Robert (62), Frances (60), Brigita (59), Tara D (56), Max (55)
- Moblog posts: 34 (I really need a phone with a better camera.)
- Posts mentioning “diet” or “Weight Watchers”: 43
- Major redesigns: 1 (You’re soaking in it.)
- Pictures of my cat: 2 (Only TWO? I can’t believe it. This situation needs to be rectified immediately!)
- Major hair color changes: red, blonde
- Apple letdowns: Dead iPod; G5 Weirdness progresses to full-on Breakdown; Another Breakdown leads to a Major Frustration, a Complaint to the Office of Fair Trading, and three months of waiting for a Replacement Machine; and Ongoing Firewire Issues with the new machine
- TV appearances: Better Homes and Gardens, Knitting with the Channel 7 Weather Girl
What will 2006 bring? Definitely more cat pictures…
14 responses to “Happy blog-birthday to me!”
Congratulations, Kris! Here’s to five…ten…fifteen more years–and beyond! Your site was one of my first “gotta check it every day” weblogs in days of yore (did you ever really NOT live in Australia?), and it still is today. Thanks for the fun and the hard work–you make it look so easy, yo!
Happy blogday!
Bring on Dr Amy. You should have a weekly post, say, on Mondays, where you photograph her doing whatever she is doing at the time at which you post. It would be like big brother, but with cat, and photography.
Please don’t tell Dr Amy, but I am in love with another cat. His name is Mickey and he has one eye(I call him Pirate) and he is a little snugglepuss and he lives in Redfern and lets me hold him like a baby! Dr Amy is still my number one cat, as I like her aloofness. She has attitude.
I can’t believe I didn’t make the top ten this year. I probably didn’t last year either. I will next year.
You were very close, Helen, something like 11 or 12 if I recall…
(I have a fear of one-eyed cats. I was out at my high school boyfriend’s farm once, and there were these really cute little kitties, and I picked one up and was like, “Ooh, you is a cuuuute widdle fewwwow, isn’t you?” and I turned it around to face me and instead of a left eye, it had a BIG NASTY HOLE where something had dug or scratched or *shudder* eaten it out. And I flung the cat and fled screaming into the house. And I scan still see that BIG NASTY HOLE OF AN EYE now so I’m going to stop.)
And thanks, Max. I think I’ve stated before that you and Kim (of Fresh Hell) were my inspirations for starting the site in the first place, so I’m totally basking in blog-parent approval… ๐
keep up the great work – love the blog
A very happy 5th blogday, and here’s to many more. ๐
Happy blogthday. Seeing numbers like 779/2528 both impresses and depresses me.
Keep it up– always an enjoyable read.
Happy Blog Day!
Can you imagine what kind of google results you are going to get now that you have the terms ‘BIG NASTY HOLE’ on your site two, I mean three times.
make that 174 posts, tee-hee.
Yes, I have no life…)
Definitely more cat photos – bloggers have a reputation they need to live up to ๐
Happy blog birthday!
Kudos, Kris! Keep up the great bloggery!
Happy Blogbirthday! Gee, I do comment a lot, don’t I? Keep it up! We readers need you to keep us from the work we’re supposed to be doing ๐
Happy blog birthday Kris! I enjoy reading your “window of the world,” so to speak. To me, it’s kind of like a little bit of Seinfeld and David Letterman’s Stupid Human Tricks… every day! I also read daily and appreciate all your hard work! ๐
B.T.W. When you click on “What candy would you sell your soul for?” you get to the Emma’s postcard comments.
Ooh, thanks Frances. I fixed it!