Month: September 2007

  • Truffles

    I am converting people to the way of the truffle. *drool*

  • Monkey Socks

    Monkey SocksMonkey Socks
    Well, I finally caved to peer pressure* and knitted the damn Monkey Socks. They turned out pretty well! The yarn is the Lang Jawoll Cotton I got at the Craft Show earlier this year. (I forgot to use the matching thread to reinforce the heels and toes. D’OH!) I did them on 2.75mm needles to compensate for being such a tight knitter, and they still only just fit over my ankle. The combination of the lace stitch and the cotton yarn doesn’t make for a very elastic sock, but they’re still quite wearable. The only change I made to the pattern was to adapt them for knitting on two circs (so I could knit both at once).

    * More than 1300 people have already knit this pattern and posted it to Ravelry, and 700 more have it in their queues. I don’t get the popularity. It’s a nice pattern, but 2000 people? That’s NUTS.

  • Toad-in-the-Hole

    Toad-in-the-hole“…I was about your age then, maybe a little older, and in those days we always had a hot tea in the kitchen at five o’clock. I can remember exactly what was on the table that evening. It was my favorite thing of all, toad-in-the-hole, and my mum could make toad-in-the-hole like nobody else in the world. She did it in an enormous pan with yorkshire pudding very brown and crisp on top and raised up in huge bubbly mountains. In between the mountains you could see the sausages half buried in the batter. Fantastic it was…”
    – Danny’s father in Danny the Champion of the World

    How awesome is it that I live with someone who will indulge a whim and cook me a special dinner based on something out of a beloved children’s book? It was delicious.

  • Best. AskMe. Ever.

    Best. AskMetaFilter. Question. EVER. “Why is Justin Timberlake so hottttttt?” I actually tried to give a semi-serious answer. (It’ll probably get deleted in two seconds.)

  • Barbie Pistachio Dreamhouse

    Congrats to my sister and her husband on signing the lease for the Barbie Pistachio Dreamhouse up in northern California. (FIVE bedrooms?! The mind boggles.) I can’t wait to come visit!

    (In related news, Ma and Pa Snook have just checked out our prospective purchase and have given their hearty approval. Hurrah!)


    Our apartment smells so freakin’ good right now.


    That’s three dozen peanut butter and three dozen oatmeal raisin, baked in honor of today’s Sydney Metafilter BBQ. Of course, it’s rainy and miserable outside, so we’ll be retiring to the Alfred instead…

  • Cat Shelves

    If we get the new place, I think some cat shelves are definitely in order… (And possibly another cat!)

  • Long Live the Chaser

    HA! It took the guys from the Chaser to finally make Sydneysiders see the funny side of APEC. I hope Julian and Chas don’t end up in jail for six months…

  • Big Secret

    Big Secret
    I really am crap at keeping secrets. This makes, what, six days? And that’s a total personal record. Anyway: we’re buying a house.


    Well, it’s not 100% sure yet, but we’ve cleared the first few hurdles. We just had the building and pest inspection tonight and all is well. The Snook’s parents are coming down this weekend to have a look. We’ve got a solicitor who has started the strata report and various conveyancing things. If all goes well, we’ll be settled and moved in by Halloween.

    Oh, where is it? Not telling. It’s not on the market yet, and we don’t want you to gazump us. But trust me, the story of the finding of this place is pretty unbelievable. More to come in the future…

  • The Final Winter

    In case you haven’t seen the previews yet, my friend Raelee’s new film The Final Winter opens tomorrow! I’ll go see it, even though I know less than zero about rugby league.