Baby Surprise Jacket

I’ve been slacking off on the first week of the Southern Summer of Socks, mostly because of all the babies y’all keep having! As previously mentioned, my cousin Tony and his wife Molly just welcomed their daughter, Bailey, into the world. As this is the first GIRL I’ve had the opportunity to knit for, I jumped at the chance to pull out my pink yarn. I was gifted some glorious hot pink Manos del Uruguay Cotton Stria by my Secret Pal last June, and I decided it was just begging to become a Baby Surprise Jacket. I had just enough to squeak it out. I also found the most perfect big pink button in my button box:

Baby Surprise Jacket Baby Surprise Jacket Baby Surprise Jacket

It’s all ready to send off, along with some pink Tim Tams!


Post-Interview Euphoria
So… I just finished interviewing with two more people at the Company-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, and I feel like it went really well! I was relatively confident since I figured that they wouldn’t have invited me back if they didn’t like me. I gave the HR chick the low-down on the house situation (basically, the mortgage company doesn’t like it if you change jobs before settlement, so I can’t start for several more weeks) and they were really cool with that. I’m excited!

Oh, and I got to ride in an elevator with a bunch of guys from YouTube, who pretty much define the term “scruffy lookin’ nerf herder.”