Month: April 2008

  • At work today

    At work today: “Nice. I’ve always just wanted once, in my professional life, somebody in a meeting to say ‘big boobs.’ And now it’s happened.”

  • Vote for Matt

    Vote for Matt
    My old college roommie Liz (aka Pants) has asked me to help out her friend’s husband. He’s in some online golf contest thingy, and if he gets the most votes, he gets to play golf with Justin Timberlake. (Sweet, I know.) I’ve voted for him a couple times now, but he’s way behind at this point. So if you’d like to help out, just click here and register. (I can report that they haven’t spammed me beyond the original sign-up message.) Then click through the video thumbnails and vote for Matt Rice. You can vote once per day, so give it a go if you’ve got a few minutes. Thanks!

  • RunningBlog

    Huh. I think those (enforced) few days off this week might have done me some good! I went out for my long run today and I felt pretty great. I set the Nike+ for 90 minutes and headed up Glebe Point Road towards Blackwattle Bay. I went all around Blackwattle and Rozelle Bays and then headed up towards the ANZAC Bridge (which I’d never crossed on foot before). Once I was back down to street level near the Fish Markets, I turned left and ran up the hill into Pyrmont, then up Harris Street a few blocks before turning into Darling Harbour. I went from Darling Harbour into Chinatown, then back up George Street all the way to home. I’d only gone 70 minutes at this point, so after a quick drink at home, it was back for a lap around Victoria Park. Then I staggered back home for a Gatorade and a shower. All in all, I ran 12km (about 7.5mi) at a better than 12min/mi pace. Pretty good! I’m not too far off the pace I need for the half-marathon next month. My biggest problem seems to be dehydration. As my runs get longer, I find that my mouth gets really dry and I’m gasping for water at the end. (This despite me hitting every drinking fountain I can find on the route.) I’m going to try chewing some gum and see if that helps (in addition to drinking more water, of course).

    Also, a product review! I got running tights!I ducked into Kmart tonight to see if they had any proper running tights (since RebelSport want, like, sixty bucks for theirs). They had loads of track pants, but they were all knit and seemed more fashionable than practical. But A-HA! I found a single rack of women’s “performance” 3/4-length running tights. The brand is called “Sports Limited” and they appear to be an in-house line. They were only $30 a pair(!) so I tried some on. They purport to be “anti-microbial,” and they boast of reverse seams and dri-fit fabric. They’ve even got a small pocket! They seemed to fit, so I bought two pairs. I wore them on my run tonight. Sydney running chicks, get thee to Kmart. These rock! I had absolutely no chafing or bunching. They did want to roll up a bit in front (like the running skirt), but the rise is longer so they only rolled once and didn’t constantly threaten to expose my underpants. My only minor complaint is that they’re fitted for shorter people, so the “3/4-length” actually ended right at my knees. They’ve put some grippy stuff at the edge though, and I’m happy to report that they didn’t creep up too much. All in all, I’m really happy with these! This is what I’ll be wearing at the race, I’m pretty sure.

  • My AskMe Suggested Tags

    They’ve just rolled out an awesome new change over at Ask MetaFilter: a page where you can specify categories and tags so you can see just the questions you’re interested in. To help you get started, they provide a list of tags from the questions that you’ve answered the most in the past. Here’s mine:

    travel cooking Sydney food music cats diet marriage women work beer film movies period vacation eviction health legality mac money nsw rental resolved tenancy wedding

    Yep, pretty much my whole personality is in there. How depressing.

  • Hothousing

    Snookums and I were discussing this article about a girl who was pushed by her father into going to university at 13 and is now, ten years later, working as a prostitute. The article is filled with quotes from various experts about how going to uni early should be discouraged. Of course, the Snook also went to uni a few years early, and (as far as I know) he’s not turning tricks on Oxford Street. So what’s the difference? He says that in her case, it was that her father was a nutter. His parents never pushed him into anything, and when he went to university, they were willing to let him go entirely. Those who remain too sheltered, he says, don’t stand a chance.

  • I have a new niece!

    There’s no official confirmation on my sister’s website yet, but Mom rang to let me know that I do indeed have a brand new niece! The baby weighs 8.5 lbs and apparently looks exactly like Penn did. No word on the name yet though…

    Indie Marie CarboUpdate: I’ve got a picture! This is Indie Marie Carbo. (Yes, really. They’ve got a State-theme happening.) She was 8 lb 5 oz and 21 inches long. Born at 12:15pm in the afternoon. So far she sounds just as fractious and grumpy as Penn! Hang in there, Sis…

  • Bzactly.

    Max wrote a very cute post about deliberately mispronouncing words. I commented with some that the Snook and I use often: “bzactly,” “saxamaphone,” “compyooto,” “mo cho cho,” etc. What are yours?

  • Self-making bed

    “Lazy man creates bed that makes itself.” Neat. I want that. Of course, I feel compelled to point out that he didn’t invent the concept. The Moroccan house of marvels from The Twenty-One Balloons had self-making beds too (although those were steam-powered).

  • Carbo on IMDB

    Hey! I didn’t realize my brother-in-law Dan Carbo has an IMDb page!

  • RunningBlog

    I am perhaps not as hard core as I thought. Today is my third day without a run. My duodenitis has flared up again. (For those who don’t know, this is basically a stomach ulcer.) It started bothering me last weekend, and I figured it was just the stress of changing jobs. I saw my doctor Monday night though, and he’s running tests to make sure I don’t have an underlying infection. It’s been manageable, and I was able to run and swim on Tuesday. On Wednesday though… it got bad. I was in meetings all afternoon and by 4:30 I was wincing in pain. I nearly cancelled our outing to see Margaret and David. The only thing I can trace it to was possibly a green apple that I had as a snack that afternoon. That was the only unusual thing I had. Eating dinner seemed to help, but I had a pretty sleepless night. I skipped my Thursday run, of course, and I didn’t feel up to swimming either. I meant to run this morning, but it was still bothering me when I woke up. Hopefully I’ll still be able to do my long run this weekend…