Wait, WHAT? Ebert has a blog? That’s awesome!
Month: May 2008
Hillary only by TWO?
Wow! Hillary only won Indiana by two percentage points? That’s much, much closer than I imagined it to be. Awesome. (Sorry Grandma. I voted for the black guy.)
Fat Scrutiny in the Media
Role Reversal. It’s not often you see the media scrutinizing a man’s belly…
Still Sick
Still sick. I felt so crappy last night that we decided to skip the Neil Gaiman talk. I just couldn’t face the thought of standing in a crowded bookstore coughing and hacking all over everyone. Luckily, I can vicariously squee over Neil through crumpet, who saw him twice in 24 hours. What a fangirl. 🙂
Vodafone announces it’s got the iPhone
Vodaphone announces it’s got the iPhone. As Snook just put it, “Tomorrow’s news: Vodafone no longer able to sell iPhone due to leaking info to the press.”
Married Names
Remember our discussion about women taking their husband’s surnames? In the US, a couple just successfully sued the state of California on the basis that it should be just as easy for a man to take his wife’s surname upon marriage as it is for her to take his. And they won! Nice one.
Goth Knitting
The Knitting Fame-Whore strikes again!
This past Friday I went to Newtown after work to join Bex and the goth knitters for a stitch and bitch. We were waiting for a journalist from JJJ Magazine to show up to photograph and interview us. He turned up over an hour late, by which time all the real goths had gone home (leaving only me and a couple other not-so-goth Ravelers). He took a ton of photos, so you may see yours truly in the magazine next month wielding a pair of needles menacingly. Anyway, before all the real goths left, Fin took a couple photos of us all. Yes, I realize that the Argyle Kitty Kat Cardigan hardly qualifies as goth… -
Parental Leave Proposal
Wow. I know I’m supposed to be annoyed at the additional tax, but I can’t help but think that this new federal parental leave proposal is a Good Thing. Six months paid maternity leave at full salary? Sweet. And four weeks paternity leave? Hey, it’s more than you get in America. (Right, Sis?) Actually, I wonder if it would be possible to switch it, like if the father intended to stay home and the mother go back to work. Could he have six months leave? (She ponders thoughtfully…)
SBS Sneaks!
Holy crap! I don’t feel so bad about not getting that job at SBS anymore…
World’s Longest Foosball Table. The guys at work are going to love this… (Thanks Bex!)