Month: June 2008

  • Weezer Video Explained

    Remember Weezer’s awesome YouTube-inspired music video? Here’s an explanation of ten of the memes it references, along with the original videos. How had I never seen “Evolution of Dance”? When he started jumping up and down to House of Pain, I just lost it…

  • Understanding Model-View-Controller

    Understanding Model-View-Controller. Very useful little essay explaining the MVC design pattern for those of us trying to take our programming skills to the next level.

  • Twilight

    Twilight Saga
    My cousin Jenny IMed me yesterday. “Do you know anything about twilight?” she said. “Uh… you mean that gas they give you at the dentist?” I guessed. “No! It’s a series of books about teenage girls in love with sexy teenage vampires. I’m obsessed.” Sounds very Buffy, right? She raved about it for ten minutes. Then she went for the clincher: “They’re coming out with a movie on the first book in December and CEDRIC DIGGORY is playing the vampire!” Hoo-yah, sign me up! I went out and got the first book at lunchtime, and I’m already a hundred pages in. Don’t be put off by the fact that it’s in the “Young Adult” section; they’re quite thick books and they’re very well-written. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go read my book and SQUEEEE some more…

  • Vote From Abroad

    If there are any American expats out there who need to register to vote or request a postal ballot, get yourself over to You answer some questions, print out a form, and mail it off. Easy peasy! (And since people keep asking me, yes, dual citizens get to vote in both countries.)

  • RunningBlog: Struggles and Inspiration

    I haven’t been having great runs in the past week. The weather’s been crappy; my back is sore; and I’m still fighting this nagging cough. It’s hard to get out of bed early in the morning. I tried running on my lunch break on Tuesday (since we have a shower in the building), but North Sydney is HILLY and I felt stupid having wet hair all afternoon. I’m just not feeling a lot of excitement about my training right now. I guess I’m still in my post-Big Race depression period. That said, I got a big boost talking to my Mom the other night. Not only did Joe run a 5K recently, but the whole family did the Sunburst Fitness 5K Walk last weekend. How awesome is that? Mom also mentioned that she’s on Week 2 of the Couch to 5K podcasts, with a goal of running her own 5K later this summer. Isn’t that fantastic? I’m so proud of them, and I’m humbled to think that I might have been part of their inspiration.

    Last night I registered myself and the Snook for our third consecutive City 2 Surf. I wanted to get in early so we don’t have to start in the Back of the Pack. My goal is to break 100 minutes this year, so avoiding the gorillas, baby strollers, and budgie smugglers should help with that. Now I just have to get excited about training again…

  • Rain

    When it rains, it pours. I left my umbrella on the train Tuesday morning, so I quickly went to buy another one. It was blue and pretty and it kept me dry for 48 hours. Then the wind blew it inside out and broke two of its ribs. Now I need another umbrella. Can somebody in Sydney point me to an umbrella that won’t break but is small enough to carry every day? (I refuse to carry a golf umbrella, and I give dirty looks to everyone who does.)

  • Bad Pictures of McCain

    I should be above this… but I’m not. Bad Pictures of John McCain. Come on, he totally gurns!

  • Obamania

    I saw it on the SMH site first, but it wasn’t until Kevin confirmed it that I really believed: Obama has won the nomination. FANTASTIC NEWS on an otherwise crappy day!

  • Bacon in a Can

    Somehow I always end up being the person people send their “weird food” links to. My co-worker just alerted me to the existence of bacon in a can. While I do enjoy bacon… this. is. horrifying.

  • iPhone Detective Work

    iPhone speculation has hit a fever pitch. People are talking about mysterious shipments of oddly labelled shipping containers, the increase in Steve Job’s airline expenditures, the leaked AT&T employee memos, etc. It’s pretty amazing that still nobody’s got an actual photo of the actual device. Only six days to go…