Month: March 2009

  • Spicy Pork Tacos!

    Spicy Pork TacosYesterday the Snook and I tried out the recipe for Spicy Shredded Pork that my sister recommended a few days ago. We got a 2kg pork shoulder and roasted it in the Le Creuset casserole in the oven. It smelled fantastic. We had it in for about four hours, and then we cranked the heat to try to crisp the skin. (That part didn’t really work.) Snookums shredded it and we ate it with tortillas, avocado, lettuce, and a bit of sour cream. It was so good! Better than any Mexican I’ve had in Sydney.

  • bmp Socks

    I started these socks back in November as a prize for the Colony of Gamers charity raffle. I sat them aside in December to wait to hear who won (so I could knit the feet the correct size). And I waited… and I waited… and no email! I contacted them a few weeks ago asking what was happening, and still no reply. I figure that means they’re mine, right? Right. So this weekend I finally finished ’em.

    bmp Socks

    bmp Socks

    The pattern is from Knitty. I happened to have a lot of black and white 5ply in my stash, so I used that instead of traditional sock wool. (I took the needle up to a 3mm.) They look pretty big, but fairisle doesn’t stretch much and they fit me well. I knit them on two circs and followed the pattern pretty much exactly. The shooter was done in duplicate stitch. Cute and retro, huh? (More pics and details on Ravelry.)