Month: April 2009

  • The State on DVD

    $240 worth of puddin’…
    Woooo! MTV’s The State is FINALLY coming to DVD! Unfortunately it looks like some of the music has been changed, since getting the rights was the big hold-up. Crud. I guess it can’t be as bad as the Dawson’s Creek debacle though.

  • Periodic Table of Knitting

    Periodic Table of Knitting. I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished.

  • Boston Marathon

    Best wishes to Steve Runner and anybody else running the Boston Marathon today. You guys are inspirational!

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    RT @redambition: trying (and failing) to see what is so special about robert pattinson. <- Ohhh, @imdominating will be all over that!

    This is such BS – . Were I a zillionaire, I’d spend even more time on the Internet. In a beautiful house w/ nice wine.

    Used “if worst comes to worst” in email; realized the expression looks really weird in text. So I googled. Fascinating!

    Should be going to the gym, but my stomach is KILLING me. 🙁

    ZOMG. – best invention ever? It’s the Australian Snuggie! Except better because it’s a SUIT made out of a DUVET.

    @steverunner Wishing you the best of luck from a fan and longtime listener in Sydney, Australia. You inspire me!

    We bought two potted frangipanis last spring, and they finally bloomed!

    @DDsD I used to work with Christian in London! Snook and I booked in last week. Will be fun to catch up.

    @brittanieshey It’s definitely autumn, but not too cold yet. Some sites say blooming happens in late autumn, even winter & early spring!

  • Fat Dog in a Little Coat

    Fat Dog in a Little Coat. CraftFail + Chris Farley reference = laughing and laughing and laughing.

  • Amish collecting unemployment

    I had no idea the recession was hitting the Amish back in Indiana so hard. Makes sense though; a LOT of them were employed in the RV industry. Church elders are allowing them to collect unemployment now, but some are even leaving the faith so they can drive cars to jobs farther away.

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    Autumn = beer and stew and yumminess. Oh, and knitting!

    Any knitters feel like testing the new Morris & Sons site for me? (No special prices or anything; just new design.)

    Just made it all the way out the house and to the bus stop before Snook pointed out my hoodie was on inside-out. I don’t like Mondays.

    Still no K.Rudd money. We’re so at the very end of the list. Somebody’s gotta be dead last!

  • What’s taters, precious?

    I am suddenly enamored of the idea of growing potatoes in the spring.

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    30 people at today’s Guild meeting, and 3 new signups! We keep growing…

    Wow. Transit cops checking tickets on 440 bus. Only 2nd time I’ve been checked in Sydney in 7.5 years.

    I’m a good & organised host, but not a carefree one. I spend too much time making things go smoothly. Doesn’t leave much time for fun!

    @wookie_man I’m working more at that, and everyone is great at pitching in. I still find it difficult to relax at events I’ve organised.

    @witty_knitter They were checking near Town Hall, fairly close to start of line. Very silly. Better to check farther along, I think.

    Stupid Quadrahosting seems to fail repeatedly every single weekend. On the plus side, it’s a good reminder to take frequent coding breaks.

  • Knitters Guild News

    Knitters Guild News: We had another very successful meeting at Customs House today. There were 30 knitters in attendance, and 3 of the newbies joined on the spot. Our growth is phenomenal, and I think it’s only going to increase over the winter. We’ll be getting some promotion in the winter newsletter for the City of Sydney Libraries because we’re going to be helping them with some “Learn to Knit” events in July. The only downside to our popularity is that I think we’ll be looking for a new venue sooner rather than later!

    Our new format for the meetings seems to be working out well. Everybody is very attentive for the business portion, and I’ve been managing to get through it all in 15-20 minutes. The real test will be next month, when we try our first workshop in the new space. (We’re doing “Welcome to the Knitternet” to introduce some of the less computer savvy members to the wealth of online knitting information.) As usual, I spent most of the meeting concentrating on keeping everything running smoothly, so it’s not quite as much fun as it used to be. That said, I guess having an organised person running the show means everybody else can relax a bit more. Everybody seems really appreciative of the work me, Rosemary, and Geraldine are putting into it. So the meetings are still rewarding, even if I don’t get much knitting done!