Month: July 2009

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Any of you use Evernote? I’m trying it out to see if it can tame the beast that is my scribbly work notebook. Tips appreciated.

    Always fun to find people tweeting mean things about you, as opposed to talking/emailing like human beings. πŸ™ @bendbeanies @deadlyknitshade

    In positive news, I’ve invited AU knit graffiti artist to SnB Thurs. She seems really cool & promises lots of info/gossip from NGA exhibit.

    @Ascasewwen Ahh, but did you steal it? Of course not. You’re not a sociopath.

    @codepo8 See, “punny baby t-shirts” & “something to blog about” are far too high on my list of Reasons to Have a Baby. Hence, no baby. πŸ™‚

    Old guard of the Guild think I’m hell-bent on destroying it from within, while the “punk” knitters think I’m a stuffy Grandma! Too funny.

    Thinking srsly about starting guerilla scrapbooking movement. Will involve public use of hole punches. I DON’T EVEN CARE IF I GET ARRESTED!

    Left work an hour early for Dr appt, only to find he’s running an hour behind. On the plus side, might as well kill time with a massage!

    Hmm. Graffiti MacramΓ©? My wonky owl-shaped plant holders will speak of urban decay, Western decadence, & shocking lack of fringe in society.

    @crumpet I knew you’d like the owl reference! My grandma had one like that, and it was awesome. πŸ™‚

    I got antibiotics for bronchitis. And my massage? SHE WALKED ON MY BACK. That was new.

    @mrs_sockvictim Whatever gives us the best chance of a book deal and/or talk show appearance!

    @deadlyknitshade Thank you. I did think the phone booth showed a lot of work and creativity!

    @venks79 Um… even with your newly skinny self, I’ll still go with the 40kg tiny woman, thanks! πŸ™‚

    @witty_knitter I actually used that at the Dr tonight: “See, I caught this cold 2 wks ago that has devastated the Syd knitting community..”

    @mrs_sockvictim Ok, you have to make that for Halloween. Except evil. SO AWESOME.

    Guerilla Latchhook: turning the world into one giant shag rug, one bus stop at a time. (I can’t stop! Actually, I really like this one. Hm.)

    @redambition Dr. Chin knows not to bat an eye at my eccentricities these days. I really need to knit him some socks.

    @redambition Dr. Chin knows not to bat an eye at my eccentricities these days. I really need to knit him some socks.

    @Justacogitating You should find them and start wrapping them around stop signs. You can be the second subversive in my movement!

    @crumpet Me too! I think they must have some automated bots. Must be very quiet now. (DON’T MENTION THE HOLE PUNCHES!)

    Very happy to say that Dr Chin was thrilled with my weight loss (and inches lost around waist). No charts or lectures this time!

    @knitterjp Day 3 was the worst of it for me. (You should skip the knitting workshop and rest! They’ll survive.)

    I sold yarn to Kim and Kelley Deal last year at the craft shop I worked in. (Oh wait. That was actually really cool!) #lameclaimstofame

    @redambition Huh. When I went to Myer for a makeover, I looked like I’d been hit by Homer’s makeup gun (set to “whore”).

  • Massage… WITH FEET!

    Another unusual massage…
    Tonight I left work early to see Dr. Chin at Broadway. I was due for my monthly allergy shot, and I wanted his opinion on my lingering cough. Well, half of Ultimo was backed up in his waiting room so I had a lot of time to kill. I headed next door for a massage.

    My masseuse was a deceptively tiny Chinese lady. She noticed my stiff lower back and right hip at once, and I explained about seeing the physio for this running issue. At this point I was expecting the dreaded-but-usual ass massage. Instead she put a towel on my back and began drawing the curtains around the table. (Very unusual, since this place is in the middle of a mall. Hardly a private spa!) Then I heard her kick off her shoes and climb on the table. “You’re…uh… Goin’ up there?!” I asked. “Is it okay?” What the hell. So I finally had the mythical massage where the tiny lady WALKS ON YOU. For reals. I was torn between being weirded out (because you know I have a thing about feet) and reveling in one of the Best. Massages. Ever. Seriously, it was good. She mostly balanced one foot on my sacrum/lower back and used the other one to work my spine and knots. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it. It’s definitely only for those that like a strong massage though. Now we just have to see if I can actually move tomorrow…

  • Knitting Tribes

    Knitting Tribes
    The situation would be comical if it weren’t so depressing. One week I’m fielding drama from the “old guard” of the NSW Knitters Guild, convinced that I’m intent on destroying traditional knitting from within with my radical ideas about “email” and “the Internet.” The next week I’m copping it from the “punk rock” guerilla knitters, accusing me of being a Granny and Communist (yes, really) for saying that I think most knitted graffiti is a waste of time.

    Obviously the issue is that a lot of people identify really, really strongly with their particular niche hobby community (be it knitting, Star Trek, or the Dallas Cowboys). Saying you dislike an aspect of that community is tantamount to personal insult. They all take it so deathly seriously. I just don’t get it. It’s just sticks and string! I’m not offended by people who don’t like knitting. It doesn’t define me as a person. I don’t take it as a personal insult when someone says they don’t see the point in knitting socks. Sometimes I take it as an opportunity to try to sway them to my side, but I’d never use it as an excuse to insult and demean them. If you think that someone saying they dislike your preferred style of knitting project (or your favorite band or TV show) is equivalent to them saying that you are a bad person, then there’s really no way to have a rational discussion or debate about it.

    The only way to win is not to play, really. Militants (whether of the Old Guard or the New Subversives) really suck the fun out of everything.

  • Masterchef and the Snook

    Masterchef and the Snook
    For the record, NO, the Snook will not be auditioning for Masterchef next season. Why? “Because they want people who want to run restaurants. I don’t want to run a restaurant. They said they want people who want to change their lives. I like my life how it is!” And there you have it. His superior cooking skills will remain mine and mine alone to enjoy!

  • Me tweeting

    God shines on those that tweet. Me, twittering away on Sunday arvo…

  • Multi-player iPhone Games

    Snookums found this list of Bluetooth-enabled multiplayer iPhone games. Neat!

  • Shared today on Twitter

    They killed my herbs; they knocked down my sign; and today some bastards stole my whole effing tree. LIVID WITH RAGE.

    Anti-social tree-stealing degenerates… Went to tell Michael, local sustainability guy. His response: “Fuck ’em. We’ll plant another.”

    @bellsg Seems to be up now!

    Oh man. England are gonna win.

    @Ascasewwen @Camee Especially public gardens. It’s not like they stole from me; they ruined it for the whole neighbourhood. πŸ™

    Just completed a 5.69 km run with @runkeeper, check it out #runkeeper

    @knitterjp You held out longer than most! Take it easy this week…

    City2Surf banners up in the city. Only three weeks to go…

  • RunningBlog

    I’m slowly working back into it. I managed three short runs last week, and the good news is that my shins feel great. The bad news is that this chesty cough still isn’t budging. I’m going to the doctor for my allergy shot tomorrow night, and I’ll take the opportunity to see if he thinks this bronchitis is worth some antibiotics.

    This week: 12.5km (7.8mi)

    Bay Run (7km) in two weeks, and then the City2Surf (14km) the following week!


    My beautiful little macadamia tree lasted six months. I went to check on it tonight only to discover that SOME BASTARD STOLE IT in the past 24 hours. Yep. They dug it right up out of its hole in the footpath. I WAS LIVID. I went down to see Michael on the off-chance he maybe transplanted it somewhere else, but he didn’t. He had some choice expletives for the kind of people who steal trees. He told me not to give up, that he had more trees with stakes and mesh. We’re gonna replant, and they’re not gonna steal the new one. I know he’s right, but man, I really just want to give up. Sometimes the rest of humanity just sucks, you know? And they don’t deserve my trees.

  • The Know-It-All

    I logged in to Facebook before bed last night to see that I had a message in my Inbox. It was from an author called AJ Jacobs, who was trying to track down an obscure short story that he suspected might be by Roald Dahl. I wrote back to confirm that it wasn’t… and then this morning realized that I’ve actually read one of AJ’s books! He wrote The Know-It-All, which I read on vacation in 2007. I felt inspired to help him track down the real story, so I asked MetaFilter this morning and it was cracked within an hour. Fun, huh? So if AJ uses it in a book, you all will know that I helped!