@randomknits I might recycle the bridesmaid’s dress from my sister’s wedding. I could have donated it! But instead it’s just in the closet.
I’m live-tweeting #masterchef again over at @getupgo. More details on our site! http://bit.ly/9amFWN
RT @kcarruthers: LOL ‘Glee’ Gleeks vs. Justin Bieber Beliebers: Twitter War! http://bit.ly/aY1dvq // Attn @getupgo!
Channel 10: Your website sucks. The Glee page does not say WHEN THE NEXT EPISODE IS ON. You have no email address. YOU FAIL AT THE INTERNET.
@toastman Actually I need to know for work, so not really a whitewhine. Still definitely a #firstworldproblem though. π