Month: May 2010

  • GGR Podcast Review

    I have to say, Elma’s review of my podcast made me laugh and laugh. “It’s great, she warbles on about knitting and her contraceptive implant and leeches before getting around to any running talk…” Just about sums it up, really!

    Which reminds me – Elma also emailed to say she was having trouble seeing my previous episodes in iTunes. So I did some investigating and found out that my RSS feed was only showing episodes for the past 30 days. Whoops! I’ve fixed it up now. So if you need to get any back episodes, you should be able to find them in iTunes. If it doesn’t auto-update, just right-click on the podcast title and tell it to “Update podcast” or “Show all episodes.” You’ll see ’em.

    And hey, maybe I could even, you know, record a new show this week? I’ll give it a shot. 🙂

  • Airbrushing

    I don’t get it. Is airbrushing school photos a new thing in Australia? It’s been offered in the U.S. for decades. I remember it mostly being there for the kids with really bad acne. (One of R.E.M.’s albums even includes a photo of Michael Stipe with perfectly smooth skin and a large caption: “THEY AIRBRUSHED MY FACE.”)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Home improvement Sunday. On third trip to try to find monkey wrench to fix our now-disassembled toilet. Oops.

    GOING TO SCREAM. Follow instructions exactly with proper tools, and toilet still leaks. ARRRRRRRRRRGH.

    @Lauren_lolly_ There are several others, but they’re not always online as much as me. I tend to be a bit of a focal point for the team.

    Finally a win. Airport Express is set up and iTunes is streaming through TV speakers. Sweeeeeeeet.

    @Lauren_lolly_ No, my stupid leaky toilet is causing me stress. This is just sticks and string and electrons, really. 🙂

    Warm, cozy pub complete with roaring wood fire. And beer. *sigh* DIY? What DIY?

    Interesting things happening on the Knitters Guild website…

    @Kat13v Refresh the News page. I hit submit just as I saw your tweet. 🙂

    @Kat13v We got back from the pub ages ago. Nearly about bedtime though…

    Feeling good abou weekend despite lack of running and utter failure at toilet fixing.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Who’s up for knitting 50m of I-cord? Not I, said the cat.

    @SallyPompom @WittyKnitter Would it help if I hint that the I-cord would be silver? 🙂

    @mrs_sockvictim It’s today! I might go if you do… 🙂

    @Kat13v @witty_knitter Heh. I noticed that too. 🙂

    @witty_knitter @mrs_sockvictim I went home for a shower. On my way now…

    @Diepdin Thousands and thousands. Would have to run “dual phase” or some such. Not really possible.

    What are good shows on @SevenNetworkau? I want to boycott but it’s hard with a DVR. What do I unsub from? #muckraking #homophobic #bastards

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Only in the Knitters Guild does someone snail mail bug reports complete with printed out screenshots.

    The most amazing Metafilter thread of all time: Two Russian girls saved from sex trafficking. It’s like a movie.

    Argh. That was the MetaTalk thread. Here’s the actual Metafilter thread:

    Electrician came over to discuss our kitchen plans. My induction cooktop is looking problematic. BUGGER.

    Just booked in with new dentists. Holy cow! How much do you guys pay for cleaning + checkup? This seems high to me…

    @witty_knitter Who is it? Are they accepting new patients? 🙂

    There are 2000+ people in the AK group. A couple of flags by the same few people is hardly a mandate. COME ON, GUYS.

    @bellsknits I’ve been told people are agitating to flag all non-knitting posts on AK, despite them being allowed. More work for mods.

    @sharre That’s the best response, I think. I’m putting a few other strategies in place too…

    @that_alison The irony is that there aren’t any anymore. We took them all away. Destashing is the only one with hard rules.

    @that_alison I’ve just made tidied up the old rules/guidelines and linked them: Sound okay?

    @sharre Hooray! I’m a fan. I may even be able to contribute. 🙂

    @TimBags Dude, induction is FROM THE FUTURE. You can boil water in like 90s. Besides, getting gas into flat would be a couple grand.

    @antipathy_now That’s what the bulk of them seem to be charging. The first place in Glebe was 2x as much! Eek!

    @chenchaoyi0333 The cooktops are more: $2K-3K. It’s very fast to heat/cool. Other advantages:

    Guild members: I’m submitting my Website Subcommittee Proposal tomorrow. Who’s willing to give feedback on the draft?

    @Lauren_lolly_ It would probably be a little boring if you’re not a member. The intricacies of sub-committees are not for the faint-hearted!

    @witty_knitter Yep. Nearly done. Sending in a couple minutes.

    @witty_knitter I sent to your Bigpond. That okay?

    @drkknits It’s okay, I think I got it covered. 10am I’ll be handing it in at the meeting! 🙂

    @bellsknits She did. We had a nice email back and forth about it but ultimately she felt I should just kill it.

    @Diepdin Problem is you need a LOT of leccy and separate circuit for cooktop. We might not have enough power and our place is hard to wire.

    @Diepdin Main prob is it looks like we only have 80Amp circuit to whole house. So we could be tripping breaker if we max out.

  • Because every country…

    Because every country is the best at something… Neat! Australia is #1 at “car thefts,” and USA is #1 at “serial killers.” This. This is my heritage. Great. 🙂

  • MeFi to the rescue!

    MetaFilter to the rescue! I was enthralled by this real-time unfolding drama of two Russian girls in a likely sex-trafficking scenario and a MeFite’s attempt to save them. It’s like a movie, except it’s real. And the ending is amazing. Yeah, I got a little something in my eye…