Magic at Uluru. It rained at Uluru earlier this month and a photographer was there to capture it. Amazing. Our tour guide told us how it looked in the rain when we visited last year, but said it’s a pretty rare occurrence. Neat.
Month: October 2010
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@Kimchiboy0208 I’m still thinking about it…
@Fiestywenchyone Bah. This American understands it just fine. It’s just the funny terminology for positions and bowling styles I don’t get.
@Fiestywenchyone You never thought a “googly” was a weird name for a sports thing? And come on, one position is actually called silly! 🙂
@andrewsayer Me too. But it’s just the Phone app. How do you actually get out of it? I had to restart.
Channel Runner Reviews
Whoa, neat! My podcast was featured as the 2nd review on a new website: Channel Runner Review. Saint Steve himself recorded my review! That’s pretty cool.
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@imdominating @carbolicious Jeez, it’s evening here so it must be SUPER late over where y’all live. GO TO BED!
Did I lend any of you my brain mold last year? I can’t find it anywhere! How will I make brain pannacotta without it?! 🙁
I only noticed the brain mold was missing when I went looking for the Viking helmet. Obviously we have angered the Halloween gods. 🙁
RT @kunaal84: Just completed a 5.66 km run – BEST.RUN.EVER!! #RunKeeper // YAY! Well done!
@Ezzles FANTASTIC! Oh man, that’s so awesome! I’ll DM you. 🙂
A slight misreading of my pattern meant that the Baby Hat I was knitting looked more like a Baby Yarmulke. Whoops. Frogged.
@lemon_lime I think I’m going to be a bit creaky tomorrow… It was the squats. My legs KILL.
@lemon_lime A cute bit of knitting lingo. It’s what you’re doing when you RIP IT, RIP IT… Get it? (I pulled it undone.)
RT @venks79 RT @bablisamani: LGBT youth need to know that #ItGetsBetter. Let’s show them that the future is hopeful:
It’s a measure of how long I’ve been living in this bloody country that I actually consider a $10 Halloween pumpkin to be a “bargain.”
@lemon_lime Coles had them for $4/kilo. They also had tearaway instruction sheets for carving them, bless ’em.
@Ezzles Haha, I’ve actually got a foam one. I’m going to take it to work tomorrow with some decorations to amuse @lemon_lime and @kunaal84.
@carbolicious Hmmm. Tall? Will I be able to walk in em, I wonder?!
Decorating me and @thezedmiester’s desks for Halloween. Note the skeleton garland in the background!
@gilmae OH.MY.GOD. You are not thinking big enough. I have a pumpkin to carve at home. I COULD CARVE BIEBER ON MY PUMPKIN!
@gilmae @redambition Refining the concept: an iPod inside that plays Bieber music? Hahaha… It’s like @kunaal84’s ultimate nightmare!
There is nothing new under the sun. The Bieber-O-Lantern already exists, and it is a thing to behold.
I *hate* that I have to add “-sexy” to Google searches to find Halloween costume ideas that I might actually consider wearing.
@squozen Just that in terms of women’s costumes, it becomes the default. I’d rather be clever than slutty.
@gadgetgirl70 We’re not. Just celebrating at work this week. 🙂
- – I support a conscience vote on marriage equality. Do you?
Here’s the personal text I put in my email to the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition:
My husband and I are married. We are not religious and we don’t belong to any church. We don’t plan on having any children. Why were we allowed to get married when other couples, who happen to be gay, are not? It’s just not fair. We believe all committed and loving couples should be able to have their marriages recognised in the same way by the state.
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@stufromoz I’ve never seen any there. I’m trying to find any reference online, but they’re not shown on any maps…
A strange feeling is coming over me. I think I’m going to knit something.
@TitusAtticus No, but it *is* for someone in the office…
@ozgamer @TitusAtticus More like… someone about to be in the office. WHEN THEY’RE BORN. Silly. 😛
@carbolicious I’m a big fan of Cotton Fleece. Cotton with a little bit of wool for softness. Not fuzzy; great colors!
@TitusAtticus @ozgamer Oh FFS you guys are obtuse. KEVIN is having a baby. I am knitting a thing for his baby.
The Big Blog Theory
The Big Blog Theory – a blog written by the science consultant from The Big Bang Theory, explaining scientific concepts from each episode. Nerd heaven!
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Team lunch to celebrate the launch of!
I see a Guild discussion happening. But I have had too many beers at this point to get involved in a meaningful way. 🙂
@ozgamer @venks79 I was being edgy! And angular! (And I think I turned HDR off.) 🙂
Rang Sydney Botanic Gardens to ask about having a BBQ there. Woman answered and said NO, no fire allowed, and was really snotty about it. 🙁
RunningBlog: Week 42
The deadline crunch at work this week meant that I missed both my Monday yoga class and my Wednesday Spudds workout. I did get in all my runs though, and I think it really helped with my stress levels.
Oct. 17: 10.02km
Oct. 19: 6.00km
Oct. 21: 6.09km
Total this week: 22.04km (13.8mi)
Total in 2010: 798.02km (498.7mi)To meet my goal of running 1000km in 2010, I should be at 807.6km. Less than 10km behind pace now! I’m making it up…
I’ve been pretty quiet lately, huh? The main reason is this website, which just launched on Wednesday. I have been working on this site for about five months, and the original specification I wrote ran to over 70 pages. It was a mammoth undertaking. And it didn’t stop once we got into development; I have since done a *dozen* different versions of the spec as things were added, removed, and changed. The dev team were amazing, and they pulled out all the stops in the last few weeks to get it done. There have been a few hiccups since launch, of course, but far less than I had feared. Now we get to start putting back in a lot of the stuff that was cut for deadline. But not today, today we finally get to celebrate getting to the (first) finish line. Well done to everyone on my team! We did a good job.