Month: December 2011

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @imdominating: Awwwww yeeeeeeeah! It’s that time of year again!

    @AusVintageGrrl The alcohol free part is annoying. I’m going to house party in Blue Point and can’t bring booze or the cops will confiscate.

    @zephyrama @AusVintageGrrl @twelveeyes Our host SMSed to say the cops were pouring out any bottles of booze they found as ppl entered area.

    @AusVintageGrrl @zephyrama I guess it’d be a loophole and everyone would say its for a private party. All of Blues Point, apparently.

    New frock for NYE. Red shoes, red lips… #pose

    Partying up! (@ Blues Point Reserve w/ 5 others)

    New Year’s Eve in Sydney. Try not to be jealous.

    Blues Point is HEAVING! 9pm fireworks about to start…

    RT @the_snook: Drinking champagne, eating ham and watching my lady dancing to Billy Idol. I can deal with this.

    I jumped on a giant bean bag.

    Mr Snook and the 9pm fireworks.

    RT @sydneyfireworks: Weird teaser #fireworks 22:15 – or was that an accidental release?

    So, I’m teaching a bunch of international types Flip Cup. And I still got it. #WeaselForever

    It’s @the_snook, working’ it.

    I can’t believe it’s time already. I’m so drunk and dancey.

    Stuck in a non-moving crowd at North Syd. Rapidly sobering up.

    We are finally on the effing train to Central, no thanks to the thousands of lunatics at North Sydney.

    Happy New Year!!

    Home. Bed. Wiped out. Thanks to @lemon_lime and @j_griego for an awesome party…

  • RunningBlog: Week 52

    Another year has come and gone! As you’ll recall, last year I pulled out all the stops to hit my goal of 1000km. This year I was aiming for 1100km, and for the first half of the year I was on track to surpass that by far. Unfortunately the second half of the year was a different story. I suffered a couple injuries (rolling my left ankle repeatedly) and then I got sidelined by a virus and cough for several weeks. It sucks that I didn’t quite get to 1100, but I’m pretty proud regardless. The final numbers:

    Dec. 26: 8.86km
    Dec. 28: 6.86km
    Dec. 30: 8.02km (cycling)
    Dec. 31: 5.16km
    Total this week: 20.88km (13.05mi)
    Total in 2011: 1043.77km (652mi) – 4% increase from 2010

    Goals for 2012: I’m now training in earnest for the July 1 Gold Coast Marathon. I’d love to be able to finish it in 5:30. I’d also like to run the Blackmore’s Half-Marathon next September and finish it in under 2:30. I’d like to start my podcast up again. (Anybody want to contribute or co-host?) And I’d like to comment more on DailyMile and Fitocracy to thank everyone who’s given me such encouragement this year.

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    Happy New Year!!

    Happy New Year!!

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    So, I’m teaching a bunch of international types Flip Cup. And I still got it. #WeaselForever

    So, I'm teaching a bunch of international types Flip Cup. And I still got it. #WeaselForever

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    Mr Snook and the 9pm fireworks.

    Mr Snook and the 9pm fireworks.

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    I jumped on a giant bean bag.

    I jumped on a giant bean bag.

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    Blues Point is HEAVING! 9pm fireworks about to start…

    Blues Point is HEAVING! 9pm fireworks about to start...

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    New Year’s Eve in Sydney. Try not to be jealous.

    New Year's Eve in Sydney. Try not to be jealous.

  • Meet Tiffany!

    TiffanyBring on 2012!
    I know I’ve been quiet lately. Big things are happening, but I’ve been enjoying the past week’s vacation too much to sit in front of a computer. One thing we’ve been doing is looking at bicycles. We checked out Cheeky Transport in Newtown, and then yesterday we visited Atelier de Vélo and Clarence Street Cyclery. At Clarence Street, we discovered it was the last day of their Christmas sale… and they happened to have a great deal on a Trek 2012 7.4 FX WSD bike. Four hours later, I was riding it home! The Snook came to meet me and we did a slow 8K through the CBD to the Rocks and then home again via Darling Harbour. It’s been a while since I rode a bike, and I’ve never ridden such a fancy one before. It’s going to take some practice!

    I suppose I should mention why I got the bike. This is the really big news: I got a new job. A couple weeks ago, a friend and former colleague called me up with an offer to join him at Sitback. I met with the company founders, visited the office, and chatted with some employees. There was no interview as such; they were trying to sell me on the idea of coming there. (Very flattering!) I’ve been in my current role for three years, and I’ve been wondering if it’s time for a change. This was the perfect opportunity. I gave notice at my current role before Christmas, and I finish up on January 20. Then I start at Sitback on the 23rd! I will be their sole Business Analyst, writing specs for all the exciting projects they’re working on. One very cool aspect of the job is that the offices are down in the Rocks not far from the Snook’s office at Walsh Bay. We’re going to be able to commute together! That’s why I was excited to get a bicycle. The ride is fairly short – only about 4.5km – but it’s a lot faster on a bike than on the bus. I’ll miss my weekly workout at Spudds, of course, but I’m hoping to still get over there for the occasional evening class. Luckily some of my new colleagues are sporty and apparently we’ve got gym access there as well. I can’t wait!

    Needless to say, I’m very excited for all the new changes coming in 2012!