Month: January 2012

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    RT @_brigita_: For a multitude of reasons, love this. RT @Jezebel Brilliant State Senator Attaches Rectal Exam to Anti-Abortion Bill htt …

    @the_snook Oi! I like chewing gum.

    In & out of dentist chair for cleaning in < 15 minutes. Bought self a pink polka dot laptop sleeve as flossing reward.

  • Dinner Tonight: Primal Zucchini Lasagna

    Primal Zucchini LasagnaDinner Tonight: Primal Zucchini Lasagna
    This is a good recipe for building up your freezer stocks. I used about six big fat zucchini, and that was more than enough. For the meat, I used half ground beef and half ground pork (with some extra oregano, fennel seed, and chili flakes to make it more like Italian sausage). I also opted for the mushrooms for a little extra umami. Here’s a tip: be sure to drain your browned meat if it’s dropped a lot of fat/water. I always skip that step, and it does make the final dish a little sloppy. (Mostly just an aesthetic issue though – it still tastes good!) And obviously this is a low-carb lasagna that will fill you up without pasta. 🙂

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    W00t! My bike rack has arrived! Now for my panniers! (Apparently, I have become a person who gets excited by bicycle accessories.)

    @KathrynElliott Awww, that looks awesome! Wish I’d have booked in. Tell me if it’s good and I’ll go next year! 🙂

    @Illdrinn Pics or it didn’t happen. #shoewhore

    @imdominating @browneyeddaisy Yes! Monkey is 60% finished. You’re gonna love this one. Hoping to start contest this weekend at latest.

    @janiematts Hipster alert! You should pointedly suggest that her outfit could be better with a bird on it. (@mrs_sockvictim @drkknits)

  • Our Kitchen

    Kitchen RenovationOur Kitchen
    We have been talking about renovating our kitchen ever since we bought the house 4+ years ago. I mean, this? Pretty crappy. We replaced the cooktop and oven first, but that’s as far as it went. I’ve had a New Year’s Resolution for the past two years to Do Something About the Kitchen, and now the wheels are finally in motion. We made contact with three different custom kitchen places: two small companies, and then the big one (Harvey Norman Renovations). One of the smaller companies came out to measure and then never sent through the final quote. The other one measured and invited us to the showroom, but they wouldn’t give us a detailed quote without a deposit. We called Harvey Norman mostly on a whim, figuring that they would be expensive and crappy. But they were AWESOME. Not sure if it’s just the designer that got assigned to us, but Scott was fantastic. He was punctual, good with communication, friendly, and he had great ideas for our space. (He comes from an architect/designer background.) We spent 3+ hours at HN Alexandria on Saturday discussing options and appliances. The final quote for everything came in at a couple grand more than we’d hoped, but we talked it over with the Snook’s Dad and our feeling was that it’s going to be worth it. HN will project manage and handle everything, which we like. (We’re so not DIY.) The cupboards are going to be SHINY RED polyurethane. Scott also introduced some wood to create feature shelves over and around the sink. The countertops are going to be stainless steel. (Huzzah!) The floor is going to be black and white checkboard tile. And the best part? We are getting an enormous side-by-side fridge that is going to DOUBLE our fridge/freezer volume. I expect it to be LIFE-CHANGING. (We also got a new kick-ass rangehood, an integrated dishwasher, and a convection microwave.)

    The only downside? Apparently we’ll be without a kitchen for THREE WEEKS during the build. (We’re having them strip it back to bare walls to redo the floor and wiring.) So that’s going to be a challenge. I expect we’ll try to get by with the microwave and barbecue as best as we can. Anybody ever survived one of these renovations before?

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    Running the oven self-clean for only the 2nd time ever. Will it asplode again? The anticipation is killing me. #burnination

    I’m at Toby’s Estate Espresso Bar (129 Cathedral Street, at Palmer St, Sydney) [pic]:

    @drkknits Maybe carb flu. Causes sadness. Then rage. Then tiredness. Then all three at once.

    @drkknits Drink lots of water. Eat good fats – macadamias! You’ll come out the other side, you’ll see.

  • Custom Power Rangers Hoodies

    Custom Power Rangers Hoodies – Awww, sweet! But screw buying one; I’ll KNIT me a Pink Ranger hoodie!

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    Ugh. Yes, kitchen reno looks to be about $4K more than we were hoping. Now is the agonising part where we debate if it’s worth it.

    On the phone with Pa Snook, arbiter and expert on all things Renovation. He’ll know what to do.

    Finally headed home after 5.5hrs in home reno land. Yes, we’re getting our dream kitchen. 🙂

    Haha, just comparing numbers on the fridge at home. We will be DOUBLING our fridge and freezer space. YAY FOR BULK BUYING.

    Working on my socks for the Show. Last night I dreamt that I didn’t win a ribbon, and they displayed them wadded up and inside out.

    @discoknitter Westinghouse 606L side-by-side: Have to redo the whole kitchen to fit it in!

    Our new kitchen. Because, as my friend Lyn says, “white is for indecisive people.”

    @drkknits Takes about 6 weeks to build all the cabinets. So middle of March! Happy birthday to me! 🙂

    Lazyweb: what’s the best butcher in Marrickville? Think I’ll go for a bike ride tomorrow…

    @Gin_ev_ra Huh? I thought Marrickville was loaded with butchers.

    @discoknitter We got Harvey Norman to pricematch most stuff from Appliances Online. On the fridge tho, they were actually lowest!

    @drkknits Don’t forget to check on HM! I always do it over breakfast. 🙂

    @drkknits Oh wait, duh. Yeah, you’re right. Hahahaha. 🙂

  • Succulent Collection crochet patterns

    Succulent Collection crochet patterns – These are actually really pretty and neat! I kind of want to make them.

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    @imdominating *swoon* I had that as my screensaver all though college.

    RT @imdominating: Thanks you, Foghorn Leghorn for my new line: He’s about as sharp as a bowling ball.

    I suspect I was the only person at Dendy Newtown to get excited by seeing Lisbeth Salander’s actual SQL queries.

    @Soma377 Must be region-encoded. Bastards won’t let me play it. People have told me I need to watch that show.

    @misswired Chick knows her way around an inner join.

    @drkknits #Paleo Salisbury Steak, grated beetroot, steamed carrots & zucchini.

    @drkknits Mega props to you! I feel happier now my belly is properly full

    RT @sydcyclechic: RT @ibikesyd: get your gorgeous #ibikeSYD shirts here peeps #cyclechic

    LAN party at my house!

    Second set of MetaQuilter blocks done! These are even better.

    @drkknits Yes. I think it’s time for me to read the Millennium trilogy. Need to borrow from you or @kunaal84…

    Early morning workout yeah! (@ Spudds Gym)

    @knitterjp I promised him I’d try to make one session a week. 7am was the only one that fit!