web-goddess is TEN!

As of today, web-goddess has finally hit double-digits. This site is now TEN YEARS OLD. That is crazy! Of course, the past couple years have seen markedly less activity as I spend more time on Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry, and Google Reader. Still, I keep postin’ and you keep readin’. We’ll keep going as long as we can. As always, I’ve compiled some fun statistics to celebrate. (Previously: 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003.)

Looking back at last year’s goals for 2010, I’m happy with how many of them I accomplished. My student loan is completely paid off. We successfully refinanced our mortgage. I ran just over 1000km for the calendar year. I ran the Sydney Half-Marathon in May – well, half of it anyway – and then the Blackmore’s Half-Marathon in September. We visited family in the U.S. I started learning to sew and made several skirts for myself. We got a new stove, oven, washer, and dryer, and we finally hung curtains and art in the house. That’s all good stuff! There were disappointments as well though: I was sick or injured for a lot of the year (beyond just what I’ve blogged about), and I went through a serious blue patch in the spring. I’ve been dealing with an ongoing personal conflict with a “friend” for a long time. My podcasting frequency slowed and then stalled. I didn’t really make any significant steps in my career progression. And I didn’t win the stupid blue ribbon at the Show… again. So it hasn’t been all sunshine and roses.

Goals for 2011: Run 1100km in the calendar year and get my 10K time to under 60 minutes. Lose 15kg. Hand-off the position of Knitters Guild Webmaster to someone else. Sew a dress for myself. Join the IIBA and attend another training course. Decide what we’re going to do with the garden, and then do it. Get new kitchen countertops. Visit New Zealand. And of course, win that damn blue ribbon!


13 responses to “web-goddess is TEN!”

  1. Rachel

    Y’know this year I was trying not to be a crazed stalker type… oops. Perhaps I should just bite it and get in twitter….

  2. You did cut WAY down this year. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. missfee

    happy birthday – and I know you will achieve your goals – and you have inspired me to set some running goals this year – about 1/2 of your goal

    and another is to be the top comment person on your blog for 2011….

  4. Rachel

    Is that a challenge? I kid.

  5. Happy blogday! Here’s to the next ten. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. oooh, congratulations! happy blog birthday!

  7. Pradnya

    Hey, congratulations! I’ve been following you since your web-goddess.co.uk days… cant believe, been following almost that many years myself. I have not commented that often..But I do remember reading your post on 9-11 attacks… so it must be…. my best wishes for all your goals in. the coming year

  8. I think this is the first year I didn’t make the top 10 commenters list. Bollocks! I also have been meaning to tell you that I think it’s so amazing and inspiration that you met your 1000K goal for 2010. Way to go, RT! and we will have to talk about NZ….

  9. JulieK

    Happy blogday Kris! And me? In the top 10? Wow! Dunno about the IIBA, but you should definitely come to the BA World conference this year (http://www.businessanalystworld.com/sydney/welcome-to-sydney.html).

  10. I’d love to… but it’s expensive, isn’t it? Have to try to make a case for it, I guess.

  11. JulieK

    We’re a sponsor, so I can give you a 10% discount code (or thereabouts) closer to the time. I don’t think it’s hugely expensive, and I think you’ll get more out of it than an IIBA membership.

  12. Wow 10! Belated congrats, that’s an amazing number!

  13. Well seems I commented 18 timesyou may as well add one more ;D

    TEN years WOW ! …congrats Kris ๐Ÿ˜€ xxoo

Important Note

This site features content going all the way back to 2000. The posts you’ll read reflect my views and writing style at the time. While I have gone back to clean up a few of them, I think it’s important not to sanitise too much. This site is a record of who I am and how I’ve grown. Any blog post written years ago may not reflect who I am today, nor how I would write about the same topic today.