Month: August 2012

  • How To Crochet A Larksfoot Blanket or An Arcade Blanket!

    How To Crochet A Larksfoot Blanket or An Arcade Blanket! – Spotted on Ravelry. Ooh, I like this. I LIKE CROCHET. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. I BLAME TIA FOR THIS ONE.

  • New Adventures in Geekdom

    New Adventures in Geekdom
    The Snook starts a new job in two weeks… and it’s a goooooood one. He has redeemed our family honour in spite of my multiple failures, and I’m so proud of him. Also, seething with jealousy, just a little bit. (Come on, you are too!) But still, very proud.

  • Is this thing still on?

    Is this thing still on?
    Wow. Been awhile, huh? Blogging just hasn’t been a priority for me of late. I’ve managed to limp along by padding things out with Twitter favorites and Instagram links, but when one of those fails (my Instagram parser is currently broken — oh wait, I think I fixed it), you really notice. Sorry about that.

    Obviously the big event of the past month was the arrival of my Mom, Step-Dad, and little brother for a two week vacation. I took off work the whole time they were here, and we had a blast. Joe and Joe climbed the Harbour Bridge while Mom and I climbed the pylon lookout. We did the Bondi to Coogee walk and took the ferry to Manly. We visited St. Mary’s Cathedral, the Art Gallery of NSW, and the Australian Museum. Mom and I visited some of Sydney’s finest quilt shops.

    In the middle of their trip, we took off for the mid-north coast. We stayed with the Snook family and ate lunch at a fantastic restaurant in Nambucca Heads. We bought some sweet treats at the Honey Place in Urunga. We patted dolphins and kissed seals at the Porpoise Petting Pool. We rode the toboggan and had chocolate frozen bananas on a stick at the Big Banana. We checked out Smoky Cape Lighthouse and Trial Bay Gaol in Southwest Rocks, scene of my marathon triumph.

    Yeah, that’s a lot. We also spent a lot of time together. We had dinner with friends. We drove for hours. We talked a lot. Yet somehow you never really have the conversations you really want on have on these visits, do you? You feel silly wanting to say, “Are you proud of me? Is this the kind of life you envisioned for me when I was a kid? Am I a grown-up yet? Do you think we’ve made the right decisions?” Instead you pose for photos and you argue over the cheque, and you never say those things. And then a quick trip to the airport and some rushed hugs, and it’s all over. It’s hard, you know? It’s good but it’s hard.

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    @chrisgander Nice run! 75min is kickass. Pace looks great on the Hill too. Now go rest!

    Yeah. So I spent the whole day doing embroidery…

    @Illdrinn Nope. All by hand. Amazing what you can get accomplished during a True Blood marathon.

    @redambition @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits I have tried hard to ignore these posts. Too tempting! You evil carb sirens! 🙂

    RT @LaughingSquid: Little Girl Chasing Obama Around The Oval Office

  • Photo post

    Yeah. So I spent the whole day doing embroidery...
    Yeah. So I spent the whole day doing embroidery…

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    Mario found Princess Peach! It was me all along! @ EB Games

    Running late to the Marriage Equality Rally because I had to mail patchwork squares to my online quilting group. #totes #portlandia

    Required uniform for protesting: jaunty beret and Doc Martens, of course.

    @liamvhogan A friend in Tasmania knitted it for me, which makes it even nicer!

    Sydney Rally for Marriage Equality. I’d rather kiss a girl than eat Chick-fil-A! @ Sydney Town Hall

    @discoknitter I can see Inigo! We are over just past the Greens signs.

    “I find the idea of a conscience vote for the Liberal Party quite ironic. How do you give a conscience vote to people without a conscience?”

    “I’m the goddamn Batman. Let me marry Robin!” @ Sydney Town Hall

    Mr. Money Mustache vs. Mark’s Daily Apple

    @carriekalia I did! If you’re a knitter, it’s a Clapotis knit extra large in Noro Kureyon wool. 🙂

    Best of luck to everyone running the City2Surf this morning. Wish I could be out there with you!

    RT @BarackObama: FACT: Paul Ryan voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which helps women fight for equal pay for equal work.

    RT @ForbesTech: The Secret to Getting a Job at Google Revealed // Extroverts, eh? Cc @the_snook

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    WTF. Random dudes get to escape sitting next to kids on planes, but I get stuck with it because I’m a woman? #indignant

    I agree 100% that the airline policy is sexist. I’m just annoyed at assumption that my boobs mean I’d have to sit with random children.

    @drkknits Hahaha. I have to say, the airline would be better off picking a random dude to watch unaccompanied kids than you or me!

    @drkknits “Children! Aunty Kris has a special vitamin for you to take. Please ignore that it says BENADRYL on the side. Now GO TO SLEEP.”

    @gilmae I’m just jealous that it’s harder for me to claim sexism too because of the assumption that woman = always happy to babysit. 🙂

    @henrytapia Of course. Like I said, completely agree that policy is dumb & sexist. Just amused they think kids would be better next to me.

    @drstip @redambition Hahaha. Obviously the solution is a sort of creche section of plane. Then we can all sit in the back and drink wine!

    @sharre I can’t think of much worse than being bedridden in a room full of random kids! I don’t think DVDs would compensate in my case.

    @sharre So why wouldn’t they put in a man in there, if he’s totally separated from the kids anyway?

    @sharre If you say you “understand” it, then you are tacitly agreeing with it. All men are not pedophiles. Profiling is demeaning!

    @sharre Most kids are molested by people known to them. So is that justification for separating families? By their logic, it should be!

    @blakkat Nice! Apparently @the_snook is being anti-social and doing his hack stuff at his desk. #y7hack

    I appreciate @chrisgander’s attempt to help me combat The Stupid, but I think we lost this round. *sigh*

    @chrisgander We lost defending the importance of space exploration. How does the world end? Not with a bang but with a “blah blah blah…”

    Anybody want to buy my old iSight? @nolim1t?

    @Ezzles Massive hugs. And I’d bring ice cream if it weren’t so effing cold. Stupid dicky boys. 🙁

    Thinking of piking on Knit Guild tomorrow in favour of the Marriage Equality march at Town Hall…

    @knitdra Droool! That looks amazing!

    RT @Y7News: A black-spotted lamb is turning heads after being adopted by a Dalmation. // Paging @eileenDCoE!!

    @cdeagle Airline says men can’t sit by unaccompanied kids. I resent that, as a woman, they think I’m any better. (Not a big fan of kids.)

    @toastman Haven’t run in 6 months. Tendonitis. It sucks. No C2S for us this year.

    RT @bittman: Guns, Butter and Then Some

    @taradefrancisco Wait, is it the ex I know? Because if so, I am way out of the loop!

    @drkknits @knitdra @mrs_sockvictim Please give my apologies today. Got other stuffs to do. Hope to see you all soon though!

    @taradefrancisco Holy shit, that’s awesome! Please tell Crawdaddy congrats from me & Snook. And if anybody is sending group flowers, I’m in.

    @taradefrancisco She & PW girls sent gift basket to me & Snook on our nuptials. AC’s name got hilariously mangled (as “enemy”) by hotel.

    @taradefrancisco I was like, WTF? We got a present from Liz, Kel, and Enemy?!

    @drkknits I was gonna say that looks nicely Paleo til I saw the big LOAF OF BREAD on the side. 😛

    @mrs_sockvictim @drkknits @knitdra Damn! Of course, I probably won’t need it for 6 months now. Take it to Sewjourn 2.0!

  • Chubby Girl’s Bunz Shop, Ultimo @ Not Quite Nigella

    Chubby Girl’s Bunz Shop, Ultimo @ Not Quite Nigella – This place is near our house, and I’ve been wanting to check it out. Sounds like we’d better to wait til we’re back on the carbs though!

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    @Illdrinn Just realised this implies you’re back for a visit! Welcome home.

    @Illdrinn Not sure if you’ve heard the good news, but @the_snook will be joining your company’s Sydney office in a fortnight or so. 🙂

    48 homemade white chocolate and macadamia cookies ready for tomorrow. Half for Ivan’s last day; half for @kunaal84’s week of stress.

    RT @mashable: If Google Employee Dies, Spouse Gets 50% Salary for 10 Yrs // But if I keep @the_snook alive, I get 100%!

    White Chocolate Macadamia cookies for work today. Bon voyage, Ivan! (cc @AusMacadamias)

    It’s Yahoo Hack Day today, so @the_snook opted for the Red Trousers of Awesomeness.

    @acatinatree I thought you were referring to Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, so I expected the link to be a lot funnier.

    You know a knitting project has gone off the rails when you start to feel negatively even towards the sheep. Stupid Cormo.

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    @drkknits Woohoo! Are they REALLY, or have you just been eating your broccoli? 🙂

    @drkknits That’s so great! I need me some of that. Time to crank the One Direction. (I AM NOT EVEN KIDDING.)

    Had the bright idea to use a bulldog clip to keep my pant leg out of my bike chain this morning. Worked great – til I forgot it for an hour.

    @drkknits I’ll just, like, sew a felt bird to my clip. And then people will think I’m being TRENDY.

    @gilmae @drkknits 2012 is the year of Birds and Bunting, dude. Girls know these things.

    @gilmae @drkknits Well, you can wear an onion on your belt if you like. Meanwhile my RSS feeds are filled with this: