Goodbye Snookums! He’s leaving me for two weeks. #sadface
Month: April 2014
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Make It Sew! Ribbon Box Quilt | Cloud9 Fabrics
Make It Sew! Ribbon Box Quilt | Cloud9 Fabrics – Wow, this is pretty.
‘Heathers’: An oral history | Inside Movies |
‘Heathers’: An oral history | Inside Movies | – As far as I’m concerned, this wins the Internet so far in 2014. Love it. (And how funny that they make fun of Doherty throughout! HA!)
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@drkknits Did you read Ocean at the End of the Lane yet, btw?
@drkknits That’s fair. I think it was technically aimed at a YA audience, which is why I was more forgiving of that.
RT @Xavier_Ho: Encoding by Knitting @webdirections’s What Do You Know. // Hey, that’s me!
RT @Xavier_Ho: Sony a99, CZ70200F28 in a dark setting, Adobe Lightroom 5 vs DxO Optics Pro 9. // This is also me!!
Write up and link to the slides from my #WDYK talk are on the blog here: Thanks again @webdirections!
Just heard auctioneer’s voice on the street. Apartment opposite us going for sale. In 2 minutes went from $840,000 to $1,099,000. SOLD. WOW.
@drkknits Rodd says, “Yeah, probably.” All the neighbours were standing in the street eavesdropping.
@drkknits Those are the ones that our inspector told us had concrete cancer when we were buying.
@drkknits It was this place:
@unlikelylibrary Poor Sparky! I’m awake coughing. Dr Amy is not pleased.
@unlikelylibrary I’m actually curious to see what my phone really does at that moment.
HOLY CRAP. I was just sitting at the dining room table and heard an auctioneer’s voice floating in from the street. Turns out one of the apartments across the street from us was for sale. I heard him call $840,000 as I went outside. My jaw dropped. In 2 minutes it was up over a million. Ended up going for $1,099,000! Another lady on the street was pumping her fist. “Was it your place?” I said, incredulous. “No! But I own a house in this neighbourhood!” Me: “ME TOO!” High fives all around.
(Yes, yes. The inner Sydney housing bubble is ridiculous. Totally agree. But hey, that random lady and I had a fun couple of minutes thinking about being paper millionaires.)
What Do You Know?
A few weeks ago I got an email from the fine folks at Web Directions inviting me to speak at their next What Do You Know event. They put these on a couple times a year, and it’s basically an evening of short lightning talks around any topic tangentially related to the web. Never one to turn down an opportunity to flaunt/embarrass myself publicly, I accepted. The organisers were aware I’d done a geeky knitting talk in the past and suggested something along those lines. (As the Snook joked: my talk was pretty much intended as comic relief.) With all that in mind, my topic was: Granny Was a Hacker: Knitting as Computer Code.
My slides are available here as a PDF that includes my speaker’s notes as well.
I wrote the talk over two nights and then spent a day or two practicing it. On Thursday I actually got half a dozen co-workers to watch me go through it in a conference room as a final dress rehearsal. My biggest fear was actually having a coughing attack in the middle of it, as I’m still getting over a cold from last week. But I’m happy to report that on the night my talk went SO WELL! Adrenaline kicked in and I didn’t cough or um or even hesitate a little bit. I had been a little worried how the topic would go over, given that the audience was 95% male and probably skewed very technical. But it ended up being a massive hit. (The Snook hypothesised that it was an advantage that pretty much nobody there knew anything about knitting, thus it was equally interesting to everybody.) I had lots of people come up to me afterwards to congratulate me! Here are some of the tweets from the night.
Watching @web_goddess slay the #WDYK audience with binary knitting, ‘creative mittens’ with QR codes, and more. Super fucking epic.
— Lachlan Hardy (@lachlanhardy) April 3, 2014
MT @Xavier_Ho: Thoroughly enjoyed tonight’s WDYK event by @webdirections. Tons of great ideas!
— Kris Howard (@web_goddess) April 4, 2014
Thanks again to Maxine and John from Web Directions for inviting me!
Vatican to scan all their manuscripts
Vatican to scan all their manuscripts – I can’t be the only one worried that they’ll accidentally release Moloch the demon onto the Internet?
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MT @Xavier_Ho: Thoroughly enjoyed tonight’s WDYK event by @webdirections. Tons of great ideas! // I’m in polka dots!
Dear god. Chippendale Hotel was a NIGHTMARE of stinky douchebro college students. Lasted less than 10min before fleeing.
Dark & Stormy with paper straw, plastic palm tree, and a BIRD! @ Coco Cubano
@catehstn @amygdala So you’ll both be gone?? It’s our loss. 🙁
@sebastianparis @garethrhughes Missed it too. 🙁 I wonder if he’s still standing?
RT @iamdevloper: A diagram to help you decide whether or not you should deploy on a Friday at 5pm
Breakfast with the in-laws (at @EveleighMarket w/ 3 others)
Time for Petey’s shot! (@ Glebe Vet)
@randomknits I like it.
Photo post
Dark & Stormy with paper straw, plastic palm tree, and a BIRD! -
A 3-Year Old Boy Walked Out On Stage and SHOCKED Everyone! INCREDIBLE! | PetFlow Blog – The most int
A 3-Year Old Boy Walked Out On Stage and SHOCKED Everyone! INCREDIBLE! | PetFlow Blog – The most interesting news for pet parents around the world. – WHAT THE HECK. Is this kid real? I refuse to believe he’s not some robot. Kid’s got some serious moves!!