Month: November 2014

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @GGDmelb: 13 places for #women & #girls to #learntocode — often times at little or no cost. // We need an Oz list!

    w-g: What does the �plus sign� do in the new Spotify? – This confused me too. I liked starring things.

    @RoseRed_Shoes Thanks! Need to get the bit down the side done. Nearly there.

    Good event for web and app devs to attend!

    Weird. Seem to have completely lost access to data on my company @Telstra plan. It worked 4 hours ago! Is there an outage?

    @Telstra I work in 2000 and live in 2008. Currently no mobile data when not on wifi.

    @stufromoz @Telstra Of course!

    @gilmae I’m very big on the Internet. (Who was it?)

    Reading: “For $29, this wearable has ‘no display, no lights, no gimmicks’ — but it could be indispensible”

    @gilmae Oh, that guy! @ericscheid. Yep, I know him. Back in the Sitback days…

    Reading: “The State Secrets Senator Mark Udall Should Reveal”

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Haha, I was literally just about to tweet her the same thing! 😛

    @RoseRed_Shoes @drkknits Although I tend to DM the Skarsgard links, lest Mr Snook think I’m, uh, obsessed or something.

    @mobywhale @msharp @johnallsopp @200ok Can I get in on this pow-wow? I have many thoughts on this. 🙂

    @johnallsopp @mobywhale @msharp @diversionary @200ok @iamnotyourbroom @seancurtis Damn. I will be tramping the wilds of Tassie until 30th.

    RT @Lackadazy: “@cumberbatchweb: Such an awesome shot of Benedict Cumberbatch courtesy of @cumberbuddy” @eatsleepbeb…

    @johnallsopp @mobywhale @msharp @diversionary @200ok @iamnotyourbroom @seancurtis It’s cool. I trust you’ll share outcomes eventually. 🙂

  • Archaeology.

    Movie Review: ‘Atari: Game Over’ digs up a great story in a mass grave of game cartridges – GeekWire – Is anyone selling these cartridges on eBay yet? Because I would 100% buy one. (We had that game as a kid.)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    w-g: Twitter links driving blog traffic // I’m playing around with some new social media integration on my blog…

    w-g: I finally put up our garden renovation photos! Nearly two years and 90 pics documenting the whole process…

    RT @jchyip: You won’t believe how old TDD is

    Radical advice for tech companies: Put the designer in charge // Whaddaya think, @AndrewMamo?

    Reading: “The internet of things isn’t producing a data deluge … yet”

    w-g: ‘Atari: Game Over’ digs up a great story in a mass grave of game cartridges // Can you buy one??

    Reading: “8 great Chrome extensions to transform your ‘New Tab’ page”

    @jeremybrown You sure? Those look like Fritos to this expat. (If you’re gonna tsktsk junk food, you should be specific!)

    @jeremybrown Haha, I should be ashamed. I haven’t eaten Fritos in probably 15yrs. They’re not far off Sun Chips, actually (just unhealthier)

    RT @GGDSydney: Dec event updated with talk details – they’re awesome. Don’t miss out, register now! #ggdsyd #ui #et…

    @GGDSydney Great looking talks! Can’t wait.

  • Garden Renovation

    Finished garden

    After nearly two years, I think we can declare the bulk of our garden renovation complete. I’ve spent the last few hours poring over photos to try to wrangle it into a narrative, and it’s been really fun to relive the process! Without further ado – our garden renovation.

  • Twitter links driving blog traffic

    As most old school bloggers can attest, traffic has really dropped off now that a lot of folks have moved to social media. One thing I’ve been trying lately is being more proactive with tweeting links to new posts. It seems to be having quite an effect so far. In the week since I started, sessions and users are both up around 50% and page views are up 30%.

    Blog traffic post Twitter integration

    When you dig into the referrers, the major culprit is clear. Clicks from (Twitter’s URL shortener) are up 1800%. My guess is that while a lot of folks don’t regularly scan their blogs anymore, they’ll click through to one if reminded that something new is available.

    With that in mind, I’ve also added some additional social media sharing links to each post. You can now share directly to Twitter, Google+, and Facebook. I’ll use them now to share this particular post, so if you see a link to it on one of those services, you know it’s working!

  • “In-app purchase? Do not want.”

    The Forgotten Shores of App Store pricing – Interesting discussion over Monument Valley and appropriate App Store pricing. I think there’s one point that Six Colors misses: a lot of users (including me) now have a negative association with in-app purchases. I associate it with Zynga and Farmville and all those scammy “Freemium” games that really were about tricking kids into buying lots of add-ons. Every time I play an iPad game with my nieces and nephews, they’re constantly clicking on the big attractive ads to “unlock” additional paid content. I stopped playing Words with Friends once I discovered people could buy hints (aka cheat). So for better or worse, I think of in-app purchase as a bit of a scam. I have a negative reaction when I see the option. I know that’s silly and by no means universal, and I’m definitely not someone that would leave a one-star review over it. But I do think it’s a factor that game developers need to consider going forward.

    And don’t get me started about idiots who give one-star reviews for spiteful, whinging reasons. Ugh. Once this guy gave a one-star review to an app I’d help build thanking us for finally adding a feature that he really wanted and saying it worked great, but that he was giving a one-star review “because it took so long”.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Trashy mags and coffee. Just how I like it. @ Noddys on King

    w-g: Karl Stefanovic’s sexism experiment: Today presenter wears same suit for a year – How very timely…

    “If Farah Fawcett was a hipster…” On a whim, I agreed to let stylist give me a “bouncy” blow dry. I…

    @Lackadazy Yeah. My colorist said I looked like Dolly Parton. He’s gay so I assume it was meant as a compliment. 🙂

    Reading: “Alien Glyph Double Knit Scarf Pattern”

    Waiting for Ben Folds (and Sydney Symphony Orchestra) with nessnomster! @ Sydney Opera House

    Sculled a Peroni right before the show. I’m gonna regret that.

    w-g: The Forgotten Shores of App Store pricing – “In-app purchase? Do not want.” Interesting discussion…

  • Photo post

    Waiting for Ben Folds (and Sydney Symphony Orchestra) with @nessnomster!

    Waiting for Ben Folds (and Sydney Symphony Orchestra) with @nessnomster! @ Sydney Opera House