Month: February 2015

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    @darthted I think it was bad timing. There weren’t a whole lot of people there. Maybe a dozen all up?

    @thisismywww Yes, I was standing outside it the whole time.

    @thisismywww We just got let back in.

    @darthted I don’t think so. I didn’t see anyone recording it. @paulangov could probably verify…

    @gilmae So are you buying the BFFS 4EVA necklaces or am I? (I pay $5 a month for these revealing insights. Aren’t you glad?)

    @jeremybrown Trying to decide if I’m going to crash it or not. 🙂

    The convenience of Opal has led me to secretly fume and irrationally judge those Luddites who still use paper tickets. SOOOO SLOWWWWW.

    @gilmae The bird version. Aquamarine. #pisces

    @stancomau Continual buffering issues tonight trying to watch Deadwood. Too many folks watching Better Call Saul?

    @justasitsounds ARGH. Buffering issues. What gives? So frustrating. I need my Al Swearengen.

    Reading: “This Back To The Future iPhone Case Is Totally Ridiculous And I Want One”

    Reading: “Inside the Psychology of Productivity”

    I finally unlocked the Kiwi on CrossyRoad. There are sheep all over the place, and they start shivering when I get close. Good grief.

    Door knockers in Chippo offering copies of the Watchtower. Never had that happen before.

    RT @drearyclocks: Wow. Supanova is going for the ‘prove you’re not a fake geek’ approach to discourse

  • Old-school blog… right here.

    Pop Culture Junk Mail was one of the first blogs I ever read. My earliest post referencing it was this one from 2001, and I remember being super excited two years later to get a link back from Gael. (The archives of the current PCJM only go back to 2005, so I had to hit the Wayback Machine to see the actual post.) Anyway, Gael recently did a “Where are they now?” post about all the old-school blogs she used to read, and it’s like revisiting my own blog roll from those days. And yay, I’m on it! I’m actually a little surprised at how many of those sites are still going.

  • Ice Cream

    Korean ice cream at World Square.

    N2 Extreme Gelato in Newtown.

    It’s a good time to be alive.

  • Useful sewing tip

    Sew Tessuti Blog – Tutorial/Video: How to sew a thread button loop – Ohhh, so neat! You basically crochet a little chain out of thread as you’re doing it.

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    RT @ircmaxell: Read this, and just think about it. Seriously.

    High road high road high road high road high road high road…

    (Is it still the high road if you vent on Twitter? Please say yes.)

    RT @madpilot: Looking at Angular 2 and React.

    I now want to quit development and become a potato farmer.

    Good deed for the day: yelling at tourist on bus, “YOU DON’T NEED A TICKET FOR TOWN HALL. YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE IT FROM HERE. 4 BLOCKS!!”

    RT @WWCSyd: Come along to our Golang and Interview Prep workshops coming up in Feb & March!

    @damncabbage @JedWatson @sydjs @twalve I miss it every. damn. time.

    @mobywhale I think it involves resizing the browser window rapidly. 😛

    Ah, a MeFite actually ordered one of the glitterbombs. Today I find myself wishing I had done the same!

    @randomknits Ditto!!

    RT @SaraJChipps: A female computer science major at Stanford: “Floored” by the sexism via @FortuneMagazine

    @bc_dave Ooh, fantastic! Does it have DRM support yet?

    Great panel at CTO School last night! Really enjoyed meeting up with @paulangov, @DanSiepen, @smithcdau, Andy from @brickx_com

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Realised today I hadn’t yet worn my $10 Bellingen Op Shop dress. A good purchase, I think!

    @4colorcowboy @GaelFC I’m there too! Honoured. 🙂