Tag: knitting

  • Purdue Hat

    Me in the Purdue Hat Side view of Purdue hat

    Feedback needed.
    My brother is a sophomore in college and I asked him recently what he’d like me to knit him. He said a hat would be nice, and that “the more unique the better”. This is what I came up with. (Don’t worry; he never reads the site so it won’t ruin the surprise.) I based it on this pattern for an “ear flap hat”. Instead of using the provided zig-zag design, though, I decided to try my hand at doing some fair isle knitting. So I laid out a design using the name of his university in their school colors. It came out pretty well! Slightly wonky shaped, but I figure some blocking this weekend (i.e. me wearing it around the house a lot) will square it up. Now I’m wondering… Should I put a pompom on top? He said “unique.” Would any of you guys actually wear a hat with a pompom on it? Is this whole discussion moot because it’s so dorky he’d never wear it regardless? Please advise. (I’ve set up a poll to register your thoughts on the issue.)

  • Knitted Kerchief

    For this weekend’s knitting project, I whipped up this 60’s Triangle Scarf for myself. I think I look quite the hippie in it. It was pretty easy and I managed to finish it in just a day. (Well, two days if you count my first unsuccessful attempt. I misread the pattern and my scarf ended up only half as long as intended.) It’s my first project that involved “decreasing”, which means it’s the first thing I’ve knitted that wasn’t basically a square. If you give it a try, I’d advise playing around with different needles to achieve the stated gauge, since they ones they list are totally wrong. (I ended up using 6.5 mm.) I think I’ll try the button version next.

    60's Knitted Head Scarf     Rear view of 60's Knitted Head Scarf

  • Funky Hat

    Funky Hat: Last week I figured it was time to try something new with the knitting, so I settled on this funky (yet easy) hat. It’s easy because you don’t do any increasing or decreasing; you just basically knit a tube with a circular needle and then close off the top (like a square). Then that bit kinda flops over. It’s also got twisted rib brim and little braids that hang off the back corners. (I’m going to put beads on mine as soon as I can get to the bead shop this weekend.) Since I’ve still got tons of Gryffindor yarn left over (hint hint – anybody want a scarf?), I decided to do it in Gryffindor stripes. Pretty cute, huh? The only flaw was that I grossly overestimated the diameter of my own head, so it’s not a very snug fit. But at least I know now, right?

    Funky hat       Funky hat side view

    And before you say anything, Sis, yes, I know I need to pluck my eyebrows. I’ve just been too busy with the craftiness. 🙂

  • Chicken Bib

    Chicken BibMore craftiness… I just shipped a package of homemade Christmas presents off to Mom today, including this bib I knitted for my baby brother. Yes, those are chickens embroidered on the front. (Apparently Mom collects them now, so I’m trying to indulge her.) It turned out a bit… longer than I envisioned, but the basic shape is there. Cute, huh? After I practice up on a few more scarves, I think I’ll try my hand at a sweater.

  • Gryffindor Scarf

    Me modeling the Gryffindor scarfSpeaking of knitting… It’s done! Yes, that’s me modeling my very first Harry Potter house scarf. (Don’t worry, Sis; it’ll be winging its way to you shortly.) It took me about two weeks to finish. It was knitted double-wide and then folded over and sewn (to avoid having a “wrong” side). That means it’s double-thick and warm as hell. It also ended up a little bit longer than I intentioned… It’s over six feet. (Though the ones in the film are clearly pretty long too.) Here I’m wearing it doubled over and tucked through the loop. Click here to see a larger version and another of me with it just tied.

    Avid fans of CouchCam might have noticed that I recently started a second scarf. Here’s the surprise: It’s not intended for anyone yet! In other words, if you want one, I’ll make you one. You’ll have to cough up a little bit of cash though, and I can’t guarantee I’ll have it ready by Chrismtas (in fact, I definitely won’t), but if you want it, just drop me a line. I may even do more than one if there’s interest. (I can, of course, do colors for the other Hogwarts houses too.)

    Doubled up   Tied

    (The second one is darker because I had to stand farther away from the camera to get the whole length in.)

  • My First Knitting

    My potholderCheck it out. This is the very first thing I’ve knitted from a pattern. It’s a potholder! For such a simple-looking item, it was ridiculously complicated. I had to pull it apart and restart about ten times. (It didn’t help that whoever wrote the pattern was an idiot.) I’m pretty proud of it though. Now I’m on to bigger and better things. I used this great site (link courtesy of Megan) to generate a pattern for a striped Gryffindor scarf! If all goes well, some of you might even be getting these for Christmas this year! 🙂

  • Learning to Knit

    I can knit!Check out what I learned today – I can knit! Well, I can cast on and do a basic stitch anyway, thanks to the groovy book Ma Snook sent me. Now I’m itching to do more. I definitely need a new bag, and there are some extremely cute patterns available on the ‘Net. (I’m loving the first one and last one of those.) I also found some hats I might have to make for the folks back home for Christmas. These two look easy and stylish enough. And how cool would it be to make my sister a devil hat? She’d love that!