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    RT @dwiskus: The Matrix described 1999 as the peak of human civilization and I laughed because that would obviously not age well but then t…

    @petehanssens @MichelePlayfair I think from my cursory glance at the docs that it would be a pretty big change. The script is very old and hacked together, so if you want to rewrite, please go for it! https://t.co/jm7Zj3qltn

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    RT @PartTimeSarah: The stained glass piece is in its new home in my living room! For extra background, my dad drew the design to scale base…

    Indiana State Fair unveils 2022 new culinary favorites https://t.co/drg02rBSd1 via @ThemesDNA – PICKLE PIZZA, GET IN MY BELLY. (Apologies in advance to @alex_casalboni and the entire nation of Italy on behalf of my fellow Hoosiers.)

    RT @BenjaminMillar: simpler times https://t.co/IybY5NnVo2

    One of my favourite conferences in Australia. Amazing community vibe in a beautiful city. ❤️ https://t.co/E8722TyqJx

    @MichelePlayfair Sadly, Meetup completely deprecated the old APIs I was using and I’d have to rewrite. So they’re pretty much dead for the time being. 🙁

    @hannahcancode Always wanted to try that. Reminds me of latchhook rugs and macrame, two other 70’s era crafts I want to have a go at someday.

    @mishmashtan @MichelePlayfair I’m sorry, Mish! They broke all the APIs. I’ll get around to redoing it someday. 🙁

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    I’ve seen so many great AWS-related tech presentations, blog posts, and demos over the years from the APAC dev community. Why not get recognised for it? Applications for the AWS Community Builders program are open now! https://t.co/4VcxRsAU1W https://t.co/dpvKGt0ZAq

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    @minxdragon HA! I think Pink Stuff may have also had mandarin slices, and maybe mini marshmallows as well.

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    RT @TheMartianLife: Everyone tells me these stupid @Google “knowledge panel” things only get you right once they have things like Wikipedia…

    RT @midwestern_ope: “Midwesterners will make 7 different salads for the fourth and none of them will have lettuce”

    Midwesterner: do you wa…

    My amazing Aunt Deb makes a “salad” she calls “Pink Stuff” that involves a packet of Jello and cottage cheese. It’s disgusting, but I can’t hate. ❤️ https://t.co/U6gl3LS5Zz

    Blog post: Frühlingsfest! In which we discovered the mythical Beer Carousel, finally got our lederhosen-and-dirndl on, learned a new drinking song, and partied at Bavarian-American Friendship Day. 🍻❤️ https://t.co/N4OMKDYaSQ

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    “If you build it, she will come.”

    (where “it” = Oktoberfest beer tents, and “she” = @the_kmac)

    “If you build it, she will come.”

(where “it” = Oktoberfest beer tents, and “she” = @the_kmac)

    “If you build it, she will come.”

(where “it” = Oktoberfest beer tents, and “she” = @the_kmac)

    “If you build it, she will come.”

(where “it” = Oktoberfest beer tents, and “she” = @the_kmac)

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    We made it back to Munich just in time to sync up with @thatguynamedlud on his fabulous Euro trip! ❤️🍻☀️

    We made it back to Munich just in time to sync up with @thatguynamedlud  on his fabulous Euro trip! ❤️🍻☀️

    We made it back to Munich just in time to sync up with @thatguynamedlud  on his fabulous Euro trip! ❤️🍻☀️

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    RT @ayeayemilok: me in the elvis movie watching a soaking wet austin butle devastated at the annoncement of martin luther king’s assassinat…

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    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

    Two festivals in one day! Tollwood is a free summer festival with music, art, and lots of eco/organic/hippie stalls. I never knew I needed to hear a German Jungle Swing ukulele band playing “Lovecats”. ☀️🎶🍻🌺

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    Hoffest! A summer festival put on by the Munich agriculture ministry. Lots of regional delicacies and info about plants and animals. ☀️🌱🐝🍻

    Hoffest! A summer festival put on by the Munich agriculture ministry. Lots of regional delicacies and info about plants and animals. ☀️🌱🐝🍻

    Hoffest! A summer festival put on by the Munich agriculture ministry. Lots of regional delicacies and info about plants and animals. ☀️🌱🐝🍻

    Hoffest! A summer festival put on by the Munich agriculture ministry. Lots of regional delicacies and info about plants and animals. ☀️🌱🐝🍻

    Hoffest! A summer festival put on by the Munich agriculture ministry. Lots of regional delicacies and info about plants and animals. ☀️🌱🐝🍻

    Hoffest! A summer festival put on by the Munich agriculture ministry. Lots of regional delicacies and info about plants and animals. ☀️🌱🐝🍻

    Hoffest! A summer festival put on by the Munich agriculture ministry. Lots of regional delicacies and info about plants and animals. ☀️🌱🐝🍻


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!