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    RT @codess_aus: #NDCMelbourne #Selfies with the gang https://t.co/UqLmehjn28

    It’s not often I see a tech conf topic that is entirely new to me. As @ImSamLevy says, most a11y talks are about the front end – how do you make the topic relevant to a backend developer? #NDCMelbourne https://t.co/IqaycBkwyw

    No recording studio, no problem! Thanks @deekoob for coming to my rescue for filming this morning. https://t.co/Qfevh35Poc

    Thanks @HeartOfPluto_ for showing us your amazing knitted galaxy today! It’s the centrepiece of a new exhibit at the State Library of Victoria, one of my favorite places in Melbs. Congrats Sarah!! 🧶🌌 https://t.co/7GkHkSIy55

    RT @quorralyne: These impressive humans really brought a lot to #NDCMelbourne and I’m so grateful to know them.
    @bendechrai @web_goddess ht…

    RT @OxfordDiplomat: In 2018 the people of Ireland spoke loud and clear. Repealing one of the strictest abortion bans in the world. Giving I…

    RT @mcannonbrookes: Atlassian’s statement on today’s Supreme Court ruling in the USA. https://t.co/EmXz2fUMaN

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    No recording studio, no problem! Thanks @deekoob for coming to my rescue for filming this morning.

    No recording studio, no problem! Thanks @deekoob for coming to my rescue for filming this morning.

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    @diversionary They’re the Dresdens, too. When he sent me the photo while he was still deliberating, I was like, no, it’s fine. But then all last night it kept FREAKING ME OUT. 😂

    Software isn’t milk, @EmadAshi says. You don’t have to release it every day. Yes, fast feedback cycles are good, but you aren’t failing if you aren’t there yet! Pragmatic advice. #NDCMelbourne https://t.co/24EJBxLHAn

    URLs should be forever, @soyarsauce says. Heartily agree. 301 redirect your moved URLs, people! 💎 #NDCMelbourne https://t.co/Zsr4fPbxZw

    Great audience for @deekob’s session on design patterns resilience (and his bad jokes 😂) at #NDCMelbourne ! 👏 https://t.co/Mzc2IVJ4L8

    @Amys_Kapers @philnash @twilio I WANT A SCRUNCHIE, PHIL!

    RT @Amys_Kapers: So excited to have @web_goddess back in the country for #NDCMelbourne, talking about her career https://t.co/xH1weXR01p

    @Malarkey Not a chap, but I wear this one: https://t.co/rk5SZTevwS

    If you’d like to hear more about @HeartOfPluto_’s amazing hacked knitting machine, she gave a talk about it at the 2018 @linuxconfau Art + Tech miniconf! You can watch here: https://t.co/g1SliCV5IH https://t.co/oYmowQoPvq

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    All mic’ed up and ready to go! @ndc_conferences #ndcmelbourne @ Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) https://t.co/HIw7z3QJam

    @rdrktr It’s still going strong in our Sydney house! We bought one of the newer ones in Germany with the glass bottles, but I prefer the old one.

    RT @Don_IsGood: Excited to see this boss lady speak!!! ⁦@web_goddess⁩ ⁦@NDC_Conferences⁩ https://t.co/o3Fs8dz1mw

    RT @codess_aus: @web_goddess sharing all her insider tips on interviewing at #NDCMelbourne https://t.co/Mg10y40nqr

    It’s been a loooong time since I’ve seen @slace presenting in person! Lots of folks interested in learning his tips for VSCode. #NDCMelbourne https://t.co/mUx6qsf0CQ

    RT @codess_aus: All the cool peeps are here #squad #NDCMelbourne https://t.co/aZKP6uuq3P

    TIL. Noooooooo! 😭 GitHub sunsets Atom, the software dev environment it launched in 2011 – TechCrunch https://t.co/ubDhDsuaAE

    @codess_aus @damovisa @Amys_Kapers @github @MicrosoftDevANZ Oh, no slides for me!

    I used @canva for my #NDCMelbourne session “Interviewing Like a Boss.” You can check out the slides here! Thanks to everyone who came and asked questions. https://t.co/0hiswdTVFj https://t.co/kzmzxCN6Ir

    If you are looking to improve your org’s hiring, my friend @darthted recommended this book: https://t.co/l802SsZbRm.

    “Do my new glasses make me look too much like @diversionary?” “Noooooo.” (Yes.) 😂🤓 https://t.co/BzBV973eWi

    @unixbigot HA!! 😂

    RT @neon_heartbeat: i am once again asking for Muppet’s Pride and Prejudice with everyone played by Muppets except Mr. Darcy who is played…

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    All mic’ed up and ready to go! @ndc_conferences #ndcmelbourne

    All mic’ed up and ready to go! @ndc_conferences #ndcmelbourne

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    @vedmichv Just a visit. I’ll be back on July 1. You think I’d leave before Oktoberfest????

    @joneaves I know it well! @HeartOfPluto_ is a friend, and I’m hopefully syncing up with her Friday for a special view of it in person. 🙂

    @josephmorris007 Only a short visit! We popped into the shop on the long weekend but didn’t see anyone we recognised. Back properly in January.

    I defy you to find any train station in the world with a better view. 🇦🇺⛴ @ Circular Quay https://t.co/0KAhL5ULt7

    Good grief, Jetstar. If this guy leans his seat back he’ll break my kneecaps. 😐 https://t.co/S2RWrVD8bX

    I’ve been to Melbourne many times, but I’ve never had a view like this. 😍 @ Pan Pacific Melbourne https://t.co/dCl6TO46TL

    I’m looking forward to reconnecting with the Melbourne tech community tomorrow at #NDCMelbourne! I’ll be talking about ways to make interviewing developers *not suck* at 13:40 in Room 4. https://t.co/Ehou8JsDvo @NDC_Conferences https://t.co/aPja3i6RWr

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    We went to Frankie’s Pizza last night. It was just as obnoxious as the last time. 😂🍕 @epdunne @ellisry03

    We went to Frankie’s Pizza last night. It was just as obnoxious as the last time. 😂🍕 @epdunne @ellisry03

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    Back in the Sydney @amazonwebservices office! Wow, I missed that view more than I realised. 🇦🇺 @ Sydney, Australia https://t.co/kyP4KleIIO

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    Spent dinner with the Snook dream-casting a new GoT-style no-expenses-spared remake of “I, Claudius.” So far we’re pretty sure we want Russell Crowe as Augustus and Idris Elba as Marcus Agrippa…

    RT @smoltumbleweed: I asked my sister about the importance of Lea Michele being in “Funny Girl”. She said it’s like giving Thanos the last…

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    Back to Sydney and winter rain… Cocktails help. 🍸🥃

    Back to Sydney and winter rain… Cocktails help. 🍸🥃

    Back to Sydney and winter rain… Cocktails help. 🍸🥃


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.





Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!