It’s a public holiday in Germany, which means I’m able to join the hybrid @SydTechLeaders meetup happening! Feels just like old times… I even got to tease @gilmae about his hair.
RT @rohini_gaonkar: Want to know what it takes to be part of AWS India Summit Keynote? For a glimpse read blog by AWS Hero Bhuvaneswari @in…
@rohini_gaonkar @installjournal Well done, Bhuvaneswari!! I know this was a massive effort for you and Rohini to make this happen, and it looks amazing. 👏
@crankymate @SydTechLeaders @LookaheadSearch @stevelikesyou It’s 11am here. 😂 This is just how I look in the morning, Joel.
@gilmae There. Now you’re a 🐮
RT @SydTechLeaders: It takes hubris and backbone to stand in front of the founder of a hypergrowth startup and tell them you’re not going t…
It’s after 11am and @crankymate is tagging me into comp discussions at @SydTechLeaders, so I think that merits a beer. 🍻💰
“Can you learn empathy?” says @daveoflynn. “I think we just had an election about that,” quips @crankymate. 👏 *chef’s kiss* to that one… 🇦🇺 #sydtechleaders
@vonneudeck @crankymate @SydTechLeaders Indeed! I wouldn’t be day drinking otherwise. 😂
@darthted @vonneudeck @crankymate @SydTechLeaders Normally we get Augustiner – which is brewed only a short distance from our house! – but I think the Spaten was on sale this time.
RT @stevelikesyou: “If you’re trying to play a perfect game, don’t manage people”
Quote of the night at @SydTechLeaders
The Snook spent his day off making us homemade cinnamon rolls. 😍
Pisces buddies!!